Grand Teton Hiker Found Uninjured
A 60-year-old Idaho man missing one day in Grand Teton National Park was found uninjured.
Park rangers and volunteers located John S. Comstock during an air search Tuesday morning.
“Mr. Comstock was late because he was making good decisions,” said Ranger Mark Magnuson. “He tried to find out where he was, but when he couldn’t, he decided to stay put. He stayed out in the open, above tree line, so that he was visible to any searchers.”
Hiking companion Larry Miller, who is also from Driggs, Idaho, reported Comstock missing Monday evening, when he failed to show up at the trail head.
The two decided to split up while hiking along Death Canyon Shelf.
Magnuson said it is always best for parties to stay together on back country trips, particularly since several trails and directional signs are still covered with snow.