Fashion Show Will Benefit Cancer Patient Care Programs
Celebrate the styles of spring at the “Spring Spectrums” fashion show, to benefit Cancer Patient Care, from 5:30 to 8 p.m. April 8, at the Crescent Court Ballroom.
Proceeds will help Cancer Patient Care provide a full spectrum of services to low-income cancer patients and their families. The nonprofit organization has served the Spokane community since 1958.
Audrey’s Boutique and Hamer’s Men’s Store are the show’s featured clothiers. The dinner buffet will include a pasta bar, salads and breads.
Tickets are $25 each, or $175 for a table of eight. For reservations, send your name, address, phone and a check payable to: Cancer Patient Care, 124 E. Trent, Spokane, WA 99202. To order by phone, call 456-0446.
Reservation deadline is Friday.
Additional fund-raiser
Help raise funds to support Spokane’s new Skate Park, a first-of-its-kind site for in-line skaters and skateboarders under Interstate 90 at Fourth and McClellan.
Arby’s Restaurants has teamed with the Spokane Parks and Recreation Foundation to sponsor the fund-raiser. Skate Park’s 2-for-1 coupons are available at all Spokane-area Arby’s eateries. For every coupon redeemed, Arby’s will donate 25 cents toward the park.
The coupons are available at the Spokane Parks and Recreation Department on the seventh floor of City Hall and at local skateboard shops. For additional coupons, call 625-6200.
Coupons may be redeemed through June 1.
Community events
Bloomsday training clinics are being held every Saturday through April 19 at Spokane Falls Community College, 3410 W. Fort George Wright Drive.
The free clinics begin at 8:30 a.m. in the SFCC gymnasium and are sponsored by Holy Family Hospital and Group Health Northwest. To register, call 482-2356.
The public is invited to a conference that examines the future of forestry. The conference title is “To Cut or Not to Cut: Will the Forests Be With You?”
The session, sponsored by the Inland Empire Public Lands Council, will be April 12 at the Unitarian Universalist Church, 4340 West Fort George Wright Drive.
Professionals in various fields will examine the forces shaping the next cycle of forestry plans, including how the political process influences forest policy, and options for forest management.
The conference will begin at 9 a.m., with lectures throughout the day. A catered lunch will be served.
Evening activities will begin at 5:30 with no-host cocktails followed by dinner and a benefit auction. The evening will conclude with music and dancing.
Registration is $15 (lunch included), with dinner and auction an additional $15. Prices increase after Friday.
To register, call Debbie Boswell, 838-4912.
“Suicide Prevention,” a free workshop, will be offered April 25-26 at the YWCA’s Comstock Room, 829 W. Broadway, from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Carolyn Morrison and Janice Simchuk will discuss the issues of suicide and intervention. The seminar is geared for lay persons, social-service providers and non-mental-health professionals.
The workshop is provided at no cost through an agreement with the Washington Department of Health. Registration is required as seating is limited.
Call 326-1190, ext. 139.
The American Lung Association of Washington will hold a commemorative lunch honoring Eastern Washington and North Idaho volunteers, leaders and businesses who have made a positive effort to enhance air quality in the Inland Northwest.
The public is invited to “An Air of Excellence” recognition luncheon from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. April 9 at Sacred Heart Medical Center.
The event will include educational booths providing ideas that contribute to clean air. At noon, speaker Barbara Charnes, executive director of Coloradans for Clean Air, will discuss innovative air quality improvement ideas and strategies.
Luncheon tickets are $5. Reservations are requested; call 325-6516.
Kids’ events
Explore the world of art during Spring Break Workshops at the Spokane Art School, 920 N. Howard. Classes are offered April 7-11 to children of all ages.
Children ages 3 to 6 will enjoy ArtStart classes, which encourage their natural creativity through a variety of art materials.
First- through third-grade children can choose workshops in tie-dye, maskmaking, wood and wire sculpture, clay. Fourth-grade and older students will be challenged with courses in calligraphy, cartooning, printmaking and natural photography.
Tuition for each two-hour class is $12. A full day of classes is $30, while four days of a single class is $42.
To register or request a complete schedule, call 328-0900.
The Polka Band will entertain youths of all ages at the KPBX-FM Kids Concert at 2 p.m. Saturday at the Franklin Park Mall. The free event is sponsored by KPBX-FM, Spokane Public Radio.
For more information, call 328-5729.
Community notes
The Senior Peer Counseling Program is accepting applications for a training program that leads to a para-professional counseling certificate.
The course, sponsored by Elder Services, is for persons 55 years and older. It offers 60 hours of professional instruction in skills needed to reach out to senior citizens experiencing a life crisis.
“We are looking for sensitive, compassionate individuals, both men and women, who are willing to make a commitment of eight hours a week for one year,” says instructor Janet Simchuck.
“Bring your wisdom and empathy. We will teach you how to listen, counsel and guide your client.”
Classes meet at the Elder Services office, 5125 N. Market.
To apply, call Janet Simchuck, 458-7450.
Are you looking for an international experience? Global Volunteers is seeking people interested in teaching conversational English in Xi’an, China, during three-week language camps this spring, summer and fall.
Departures begin next Sunday and will continue through Nov. 9. The teams will be led by an experienced on-site leader familiar with the host community’s language and culture.
The program includes free time on weekends and evenings for recreational and educational activities.
Men and women of all ages and backgrounds are needed, and no previous teaching experience is required.
Participants pay program and travel costs while donating their time to the teaching project.
For more information, call (800) 487-1074.
, DataTimes