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Dan Manning Coeur d’Alene

Vigil service for Dan J. Manning, 84, will be held Friday at 7:30 p.m. at English Funeral Chapel in Coeur d’Alene. Funeral Mass will be held Saturday at 10 a.m. at St. Pius X Catholic Church in Coeur d’Alene. Burial will follow at St. Thomas Cemetery.

Mr. Manning, who was born in Nebraska, died Sunday.

He grew up in Nebraska and graduated from high school from St.

Maries Catholic Cathedral in 1931.

Mr. Manning went on to serve with the Civilian Conservation Corp. before moving to Portland, where he was a businessman for several years.

He moved to Cordova, Alaska, in 1938 and served as a U.S. Marshall before moving to Hayden Lake, Idaho, in 1946.

Mr. Manning worked for Northwest Timber and was co-owner of a dairy farm in Hayden Lake until retiring.

He moved to Coeur d’Alene in 1982 and was active in the Democrat Club, Kootenai Environment Alliance and St. Pius X Catholic Church.

He was active in supporting educational and environmental organizations.

His wife of 58 years, Mary, died in 1996.

Mr. Manning’s survivors include two sons, Jim Manning of Pocatello and Bruce Manning of Ft. Wayne, Ind.; five daughters, Catherine Tinder of Twin Lakes, Idaho, Jeane Manning and Barbara Grimm, both of British Columbia, Virginia Manning of Bellevue, Wash., and Carol Dever of Spokane; 16 grandchildren and five great-grandchildren.

Memorials may be made to St. Vincent DePaul, 108 Walnut Ave., Coeur d’Alene, ID 83814; or the Nature Conservancy, 1677 Miles Ave., Hayden Lake, ID 83835.

Clyde Cox Sandpoint

Service for Clyde W. Cox, 90, will be held today at 10 a.m. at Coffelt’s Moon Chapel in Sandpoint. Interment will follow at Pinecrest Memorial Park in Sandpoint.

Mr. Cox, who was born in Nebraska, died Tuesday.

He grew up on a farm and graduated from high school in Nebraska.

Mr. Cox worked as a farmer before moving to the Selle area near Sandpoint in 1934.

He worked as the manager at Co-Op Gas and Supply before buying the Idaho Tourist Camp near Elk’s Golf Course.

Mr. Cox started Cox Implement in 1945 and retired from that position in 1959. He had also been a partner in a shingle mill.

He built the Travelers Hotel in Sandpoint in 1959 before spending two summers in Alaska and then moving to British Columbia, where he operated a lodge, restaurant and cabin rentals for 10 years.

Mr. Cox returned to Sandpoint, where he spent summers and traveled to Arizona in the winter.

He was a licensed private pilot and a former member of the Sandpoint Elks Lodge.

He was preceded in death by his wife, Anna.

Survivors include a daughter, Karen Evans of Kenai, Alaska; one sister, Lowava Erickson of Hayden, Idaho; nine grandchildren and 21 great-grandchildren.

Barbara Fister Sandpoint

Service for Barbara Lou Fister, 64, will be Thursday at 11 a.m. at First Christian Church in Sandpoint. Interment will follow at Pinecrest Memorial Park in Sandpoint.

Mrs. Fister, who was born in South Dakota, died Sunday.

She graduated from Sandpoint High School in 1951 and worked at the Sandpoint Cafe, Ben Franklin, Taft’s Variety and Price Rite Meats.

She also worked for Larson’s Department Store in the men’s wear department for 20 years.

Mrs. Fister received a special award from the members of Sandpoint High School’s Bulldog Bench for her support in the school’s sports programs.

She was a member of First Christian Church.

Survivors include her husband, Leonard; three sons, Ross Fister of Coeur d’Alene, and Gregory and Daniel Fister, both of Sandpoint; a brother, Warren Walker of Texas; and nine sisters, Noama Nelson and Pat Russell, both of Spokane, Nancy Peiffer of Kalispell, Mont., Phyliss Ames of Vancouver, Wash., and Joyce Hartley, Caroline Jacobson, Ruth Beyer, Betty Gonnason and Peggy Thurlow, all of Sandpoint; and five grandchildren, Dean, Tricia, Amy, Alison and Leonard.

Hazel O’Bleness Libby, Mont.

Service for Hazel Blanche O’Bleness, 94, will be at 2 p.m. Saturday at the Kingdom Hall of Jehovah’s Witness, 67 Conifer Road in Libby. Nelson and Vial Funeral Home is in charge of the arrangements.

Mrs. O’Bleness, who was born in Plevna, Kan., died Saturday. She graduated from high school in Plevna, and later worked at Fairview School, District 34 in Hamilton County, Kan.

In 1925 she married Ivan O’Bleness and they moved to Baca County, Colo., where they farmed. They later moved to Waslenburg, Colo.

They moved to Hayden Lake, Idaho, in 1947 and farmed.

In 1991 they moved to Libby.

Mrs. O’Bleness was a member of Jehovah’s Witness.

Survivors include her husband; six sons, Gordon O’Bleness of Spokane, Lawrence O’Bleness of Libby, Mont., Andrew O’Bleness of Lewiston, Mont., Arthur O’Bleness of Libby, Bruce O’Bleness of Coeur d’Alene, and Martin O’Bleness of Sequim, Wash.; three daughters, Eunice Murphy of Warden, Wash., Dorothy Carroll of Missoula and Myrna O’Bleness of Rathdrum, Idaho; 38 grandchildren, 68 great-grandchildren and 16 great-great-grandchildren.

Loujuana Reid Juliaetta, Idaho

Graveside service for Loujuana J. Reid, 52, will be held Friday at 11 a.m. at Wild Rose Cemetery near Kendrick, Idaho. Yates-Hodge Funeral Home in St. Maries is in charge of arrangements.

Mrs. Reid, who was born in St. Anthony, Idaho, died Sunday from cancer.

She grew up in Elk River, Idaho, and moved to Juliaetta in 1979. She spent summers in Calder, Idaho.

Mrs. Reid was a homemaker.

Survivors include her husband of 37 years, Mark; a son, William Reid of Juliatta; a daughter, Rona Ware of St. Maries; her parents, Worthan and Vera Rawson of Juliaetta; two brothers, Sam Rawson of Clarkston, Wash., and Harley Rawson of Republic, Wash.; a sister, Sandi Kinne of Cheney; six grandchildren and one great-grandchild.

Memorials may be made to Hospice of Benewah County, P.O. Box 531, St. Maries, ID 83861; or, Hospice of North Idaho, 280 Prairie Ave., Coeur d’Alene, ID 83814.

Elmer Johnson Coeur d’Alene

Memorial service for Elmer G. Johnson, 68, will be today at 2 p.m. at Coffelt’s Moon Chapel in Sandpoint. Inurnment will follow later at Hillcrest Cemetery in Weiser, Idaho.

Mr. Johnson, who was born in Council, Idaho, died Friday.

He grew up and graduated from high school in Council. He worked for Boise Cascade Lumber Co., and on farms and ranches near Council and New Meadows, Idaho.

Mr. Johnson moved to Dover, Idaho, in 1956 and had worked for the Pack River Lumber Company Tenex Plant, before taking disability retirement.

He was preceded in death by his wife, Thelma (Babe), in 1993.

Survivors include a sister, Dorothy Johnson of McCall, Idaho; a brother, Clyde Johnson of Grangeville, Idaho; a stepson, Vince Fink of Dover; and a stepdaughter, Alma Malnaa of Montana.

John Marsyla Mullan, Idaho

Memorial service for John W. Marsyla, 91, will be held Friday at 4 p.m. at the Emmanuel Lutheran Church in Mullan. English Funeral Chapel in Coeur d’Alene is in charge of arrangements.

Mr. Marsyla, who was born in Montana, died Sunday.

In 1929 he moved to Mullan from Montana, and had worked as a miner in local lead and silver mines.

His wife, Irene, died in 1993.

Survivors include a daughter, Linda Ingebritsen of Coeur d’Alene; two sisters, Dora Kola of Montana and Bertha Hyvonen of Arizona; three grandchildren, David, Sonja and Karyn; and three great-grandchildren, Aana, Katrina and Miguel.

Memorials may be made to Hospice of North Idaho, 280 Prairie Ave., Coeur d’Alene, ID 83814.

Ronald Van Slate Spokane

Graveside service for Ronald E. Van Slate, 57, will be at 11 a.m. today at the Marshall Cemetery in Marshall. Hennessey-Smith Funeral Home is in charge of the arrangements.

Mr. Van Slate, who was born in Wenatchee, died Friday.

He worked in the construction industry.

He is survived by his wife, Margaret; two sons, William Leverette and David Poland, both of Spokane; three daughters, Debra Thackston, Darcey Rubieo and Vicki Hann, all of Spokane; his mother, Lenore Menzel of Deer Park; a brother, Lamont Van Slate of California; a sister, Gail Grantham of Deer Park; nine grandchildren and one great-grandchild.

Memorial contributions may be made to the American Heart Association.

, DataTimes