The renowned British Admiral Horatio Nelson wore that sort of hat called a bicorn. On it was a fancy feathery ornament, a cockade, that ever seemed to flutter in the breeze. It’s now known Lord Nelson had a clockwork device in that hat to agitate the ornament mechanically, breeze or no breeze.
Both Thomas Edison and A. Conan Doyle seriously experimented with devices they thought might let them talk to the dead.
Termites can’t see.
Q. How many skiers die in avalanches every year?
A. About 150. Most set off the avalanches themselves.
Q. How long can frozen sperm survive?
A. About 10 to 15 years, researchers now say.
Q. Does your Love and War man buy the old generality that women get mad at people while men get mad at things?
A. Sort of. It’s his belief, more specifically, that women tend to be more affected than men by how people deal with them. They are, in short, more responsive.
If you knew enough about Pacific salmon, you could tell by examining one of same not only which river it came out of but which tributary of which river. Every creek where salmon spawn turns out its own unique species.