Idaho records
Police Blotter
Coeur d’Alene police
Jill Baldwin reported Tuesday the $3,505 theft of a Haro BMX bike, lawn mower, snowboard and miscellaneous items from her home on the 2000 block of E. Goldleaf Lane.
James Davis reported Monday the $3,600 theft of a microwave, washer and dryer, and refrigerator and $100 damage to a door of her home on the 900 block of Seventh St.
Robert Upton reported Wednesday the $350 theft of a bike from his home on the 700 block of N. Seventh St.
Leslie Schmehl reported Wednesday $300 damage to the windshield of her vehicle while it was parked at Zip’s, 715 E. Sherman Ave.
Kootenai County sheriff
Hubard Needham, representative of Hoyt Bluff Water Association, reported Tuesday the $140 theft of water services and $500 damage to a lock and water meter valve at a home on Paradise Road near Rathdrum.
Jack Goss, manager of Craig Scheckla Trucking, reported Monday the $3,545 theft of miscellaneous tools and $100 damage to a metal shop door of the business at 4800 E. Chilco Road near Athol.
Mandy Skala, Athol, reported Wednesday $350 damage to an arm of an electric gate at her home on the 13600 block of E. Perimeter Road.
News of Record
Shoshone County
Civil complaints
Coeur d’Alene Adjustment Bureau v. Shane Orton, seeking $1,776.
SMS Financial V11, LLC v. H. and Margie Holand, dba Jim Holand Logging, seeking an amount to be proved at trial.
Civil dismissal
MBNA America Bank N.A. v. Pamela Randel.
Kootenai County
Criminal sentencings
Judge John Luster
Henry M. Hall, Post Falls; Count I: felony burglary; $1,402 restitution, four years determinate penitentiary time, six years indeterminate penitentiary time. Count II: felony burglary; $1,402 restitution, four years determinate penitentiary time, six years indeterminate penitentiary time. Count III: felony possession of a controlled substance; $1,402 restitution, four years determinate penitentiary time, two years indeterminate penitentiary time.
Gregory W. Hammer, 27, Hayden; felony grand theft; 60 days in jail, two years determinate penitentiary time (suspended), four years indeterminate penitentiary time (suspended), three years probation.
Judge Don Swanstrom
Christopher M. Edwards, 22, Hayden Lake; Count I: possession of a controlled substance; 90 days in jail (85 days suspended), two years probation. Count II: use or possession of drug paraphernalia with intent to use; 90 days in jail (85 days suspended), two years probation. Count III: driving without privileges; six months driver’s license suspension, 90 days in jail (85 days suspended), two years probation. Count IV: failure to provide proof of insurance; 90 days in jail (85 days suspended), two years probation.
Rodney D. Neubrand, 37, Spokane; driving under the influence; one year driver’s license suspension, 180 days in jail (155 days suspended), two years probation.
Judge Benjamin Simpson
David P. Nelson, 40, Coeur d’Alene; failure to purchase a driver’s license; five days in jail.
Robert E. Nothstein, 39, Coeur d’Alene; disturbing the peace; five days in jail or 16 hours county work program.
Tina J. Williams, 36, Post Falls; battery; $300 fine, 180 days in jail (148 days suspended), two years probation.
Justin H. Smith, 27, Coeur d’Alene; disturbing the peace; $300 fine, 90 days in jail (85 days suspended), two years probation.
Dustin L. Jeffries, 27, Coeur d’Alene; battery-domestic violence; $1,000 fine, 180 days in jail (130 days suspended), two years probation.
Judge Scott Wayman
Richard J. Rotter, 32, Kennewick; resisting/obstructing officers; 20 days in jail.
Janet L. Henderson, 34, Liberty Lake; inattentive/careless driving; $300 fine, $200 restitution to victims, 30 days in jail (suspended), 16 hours community service, two years probation.
Peter J. Byrne, 61, Brooklyn, N.Y.; battery; eight days in jail.
John J. Birgen, 47, Post Falls; battery-domestic violence; $500 fine, 180 days in jail (77 days suspended), two years probation.
Thomas R. Oswald, 49, Coeur d’Alene; failure to give immediate notice of an accident; five days in jail or 16 hours county work program, $236 fine.
Aaron J. Felber, 28, Coeur d’Alene; Count I: driving under the influence; $1,000 fine, three months driver’s license suspension, 90 days in jail (85 days suspended) or 16 hours county work program, two years probation. Count II: use or possession of drug paraphernalia with intent to use; $1,000 fine, one year in jail (358 days suspended), two years probation.
Michael J. Nikula, 56, Coeur d’Alene; Count I: driving under the influence; $1,000 fine, 90 days driver’s license suspension, 90 days in jail (85 days suspended) or 40 hours county work program, two years probation. Count II: driving without privileges; $500 fine, six months driver’s license suspension, 90 days in jail (85 days suspended) or 40 hours county work program, two years probation.
Jeffrey L. Sheridan, 24, Hayden; driving under the influence; $1,000 fine, 90 days driver’s license suspension, 180 days in jail (175 days suspended) or 16 hours county work program, two years probation.
Terry J. Alger, 42, Coeur d’Alene; misdemeanor probation violation; 90 days in jail.
Isaiah C. Hayes, 25, Federal Way, Wash.; misdemeanor probation violation; 20 days in jail.
David E. O’Hagan, 35, Hayden; Count I: battery-domestic violence; 180 days in jail, two years probation. Count II; resisting/obstructing officers; $1,000 fine, one year in jail (335 days suspended), two years probation. Count III: destruction of a telecommunications device; $1,000 fine, one year in jail (suspended), two years probation. Count IV: battery-domestic violence; $1,000 fine, 180 days in jail (117 days suspended), two years probation.
Dillon W. Henderson, 19, Post Falls; misdemeanor probation violation; five days in jail or 40 hours county work program.
Judge Penny Friedlander
Michael D. Forcier, 39, Coeur d’Alene; battery-domestic violence; $2,000 fine, one year in jail (305 days suspended), two years probation.
Scott R. Clinedinst, 27, Coeur d’Alene; $300 fine, 180 days in jail (175 days suspended) or 40 hours county work program, two years probation.
Jay M. Burnet, 40, Coeur d’Alene; disturbing the peace; 15 days in jail.
Heidi K. Piccirello, 30, Post Falls; driving under the influence; $1,000 fine, 90 days driver’s license suspension, 180 days in jail (170 days suspended) or 40 hours county work program, two years probation.
Judge Eugene Marano
Tye R. Pierce, 20, Curlew, Wash.; Count I: petty theft; $300 fine, 180 days in jail (170 days suspended), two years probation. Count II: frequenting a place where a controlled substance is used, etc.; $300 fine, 90 days in jail (80 days suspended), two years probation.
Ronald D. Leonard, 63, Spokane; driving under the influence; $1,000 fine, 90 days in jail (88 days suspended) or eight hours county work program, 90 days driver’s license suspension, two years probation.
Shane S. Lewis, 33, Coeur d’Alene; driving under the influence; $1,000 fine, $500 restitution, three months driver’s license suspension, 180 days in jail (170 days suspended), two years probation.
Kris D. Hack, 39, Coeur d’Alene; misdemeanor probation violation; $100 restitution, 10 days in jail.
Brian J. Hall, 24, Coeur d’Alene; battery; $300 fine, $10,000 restitution to victims, 180 days in jail (149 days suspended), two years probation.
Alan M. Olson, 50, Moscow; driving under the influence; $1,000 fine, three months driver’s license suspension, 180 days in jail (175 days suspended), two years probation.
Judge Barry Watson
Andrew V. Gosser, 19, Spirit Lake; driving without privileges; $500 fine, six months driver’s license suspension, 90 days in jail (86 days suspended) or 16 hours county work program, two years probation.
Timothy P. Morning, 40, Coeur d’Alene; driving under the influence; $1,000 fine, 90 days driver’s license suspension, 180 days in jail (160 days suspended) or 80 hours county work program, two years probation.
Julie A. Miller, 32, Athol; theft by receiving/possessing stolen property; $500 fine, one year in jail (315 days suspended) or 80 hours county work program, two years probation.
Martin O. Dussault, 18, Post Falls; misdemeanor probation violation; six days in jail or 24 hours county work program.
Eric D. Malley, 23, Cataldo; misdemeanor probation violation; five days in jail or proof of evaluation and completion of treatment.
Joshua A. Young, 27, Rathdrum; misdemeanor probation violation; 30 days in jail or 40 hours county work program or proof of completion of substance abuse education.
Civil complaints
Cooks Inc. v. Duke Enterprises Inc., dba Mini Lube It, seeking an amount to be proved at trial.
Earl Kendle v. Arlene Clarke, George Buckner and Wanda Buckner, seeking an amount to be proved at trial.
Palisades Collection LLC v. Kerri White, seeking $4,843.
Citibank South Dakota N.A. v. Nicholas Pintler , seeking $2,379.
Ed Morse and Morse and Co. v. Don Macdonald, seeking $4,000.
Divorces sought
Adrianna Wilson from Grant Wilson.
Roger Mandy from Beatriz Mandy.
Alice Poole from Roland Leeson.