Hints from heloise
Dear Heloise: My 11-year-old daughter was playing with a gallon-size self-sealing plastic bag. She filled it with air and sealed it. She then held it up and said: “Hey, Mom, look! I made a pillow.” The quality bag held the air, even with me pushing down on it. That made me think of camping and backpacking, where a gallon-size plastic bag could be an emergency or easily packed pillow! If covered with a T-shirt or some other fabric, the plastic is more comfortable to the touch. It takes up no room at all in a backpack and can be used for storage during the day as well. We let out a little air to make it softer — you can adjust it to your own comfort level.
I hope this is a new one — my daughter would be thrilled! — Mary Beth and Shaun Stearns, via e-mail
Tested, tried and loved! Tell your daughter she is one smart girl. — Heloise