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The Spokesman-Review Newspaper
Spokane, Washington  Est. May 19, 1883

Idaho records

The Spokesman-Review

Police Blotter

Coeur d’Alene police

Margaret Demello, Gilbert, Ariz., reported Saturday the $305 theft of a video camera and tote bag from the Coeur d’Alene Boardwalk, 115 N. Second St.

Corey Chilton reported Thursday the $1,580 theft of tools from his 1993 Toyota pickup while parked on the 1100 block of E. Montana Ave.

Lucas Ruppel reported Wednesday the $1,795 theft of a 1993 Saturn vehicle while parked at his home on the 400 block of N. 14th St.

Dean Michael reported June 6 the $1,000 theft of a 1987 Volkswagen Golf while parked on the 3200 block of E. Fairway Ave.

Keith Sorenson reported June 1 the $5,000 theft of a 1996 Geo Tracker from the 1000 block of N. First St.

Gary Shaw reported Saturday the $680 theft of a man’s engagement ring, cell phone charger and coins from his home on the 2200 block of W. Windermere Ave.

Ric Stordahl reported Saturday the $335 theft of a hammer tacker and coil nailer from his home on the 1000 block of N. 12th St.

Donald Fohboese, security personnel at the Coeur d’Alene Resort, reported Monday $2,300 damage to a moose statue on the 200 block of Sherman Ave.

Paul Pecor reported Friday the $330 theft of a vehicle owner’s manual and compact discs from his 2004 Mazda pickup while it was parked on the 1400 block of N. Ninth St.

Han Beggerly reported Friday the $500 theft of speakers and an amplifier from his 1988 Jeep Cherokee while it was parked on the 2500 block of Sherman Ave.

Jennilee Johnson reported Friday $400 damage to a window of a 1989 Honda Civic while it was parked on the 700 block of Front Ave.

Kootenai County sheriff

Clarence Brown, Hayden, reported Thursday the $1,500 theft of a 1979 Ford pickup from the 4700 block of Reeves Street in Huetter.

Joanna Wuest, owner of Silver Lake Storage, reported Friday $3,015 damage to a gate and sliding lock at the business at 147 E. Canfield Ave.

Michael Piper, Hayden Lake, reported Friday the $500 theft of a studio portrait from a home on the 9600 block of Gleason Road in Hayden.

Joshua Froshee, Hauser Lake, reported Friday the $740 theft of a cell phone, CD player and face plate, pants and compact discs from his 1987 Nissan Pathfinder while it was parked at 181 W. Prairie Ave.

James Boyes, Hayden, reported Saturday $65 damage to a mailbox and a cable lock and the $1,800 theft of a generator from property on the 30900 block of E. Hayden Lake Road.

News of Record

Shoshone County

Civil complaints

Ford Motor Credit Co. v. Jerry Ohman, seeking $4,531.

Wells Fargo Bank NA v. Justin Wilbur, seeking $55,289.

Pinnacle on Lake Washington v. Jeffrey Randles, seeking $2,470.

Divorces sought

Lesley Gillies from Robert Gillies.

Kootenai County

Civil judgments

Coeur d’Alene Adjustment Bureau v. Emily Castle, aka Emily Michaels and Rick Michaels, award of $1,574.

North Idaho Credit Corp. v. Darla Sanders, award of $1,484.

Meadowbrook West Road Association v. Edward Arnold, award of $4,243.

Clark Osterson and Tanya Osterson v. Jerald Schuler and Teresa Lindley, award of $1,119.

Courtesy Rent to Own v. Greg Windju, award of $1,108.

Aaron Raap v. Kenneth Mayer, award of $4,170.

Coeur d’Alene Adjustment Bureau v. Allan Legard and Mary Legard, award of $1,313.

WGI Minerals Inc. v. Hydrostripper Inc., dba Hydro Solutions, award of $10,865.

Civil dismissals

Cavalry SPV I LLC v. Jake Bronson.

Credit Acceptance Corp. v. Ronelle Jones.

LIU Investors Group Corp. v. Cynthia Coulombe.

Platinum Financial Services Inc. v. LaRae Davis.

Coeur d’Alene Adjustment Bureau v. Joshua Marves.

Divorces granted

Maryjane Bennett from Floyd Bennett.

Patrick Finlin from Cecilia Finlin.

Marie McLaughlin from Josh Arnold.

Sherry Goatz from Patrick Goatz.

Gary Galvan from April Duncan.

Larry Booth from Lilllian Booth


Bonner County has a backlog of outstanding warrants. Officials are asking the public for any information about the following people, who are identified by name, age, last known city of residence, the charge and the bond amount on the warrant. If you have any information, contact the sheriff’s department at (208) 263-8417, or the Bonner County Communication Center (208) 255-2946.


Michael W. Barton – 45, Newport, Wash., failure to appear/insufficient funds check, $3,000 bond.

Charles A. Bernhard – 23, Libby, Mont., failure to appear/possession of a controlled substance, $20,000 bond.

Joseph I. Clark – 41, Priest River, trafficking in marijuana, $25,000 bond.

Terri A. Davis – 51, Naples, failure to appear/check fraud-writing checks on closed account, $2,000 bond.

Paul D. Goodmundson – 46, Sandpoint, failure to appear/issuing an insufficient funds check, $10,000 bond.


John A. Holmes – 62, Portland, failure to appear/traffic violation-operating an out-of-service semitruck, $500 bond.

Todd S. Hooper – 21, Spokane, littering roadway from vehicle, $500 bond.

Kristen D. Jeffries – 30, Spokane, inattentive/careless driving, $100 bond.

Ashley M. Jolly – 20, Newport, Wash., failure to comply/minor consuming/procuring beer, $500 bond.

Christopher R. Jurgens – 25, Kennewick, failure to purchase a driver’s license, $300 bond.

Robert D. Kapitain – 56, Sandpoint, driving without privileges, $500 bond.

Kevin E. Keadle – 39, Moses Lake, parole violation/domestic battery, $20,000 bond.

Bret . Ketchum – 31, Veradale, Wash., failure to comply/driving under the influence, $284 bond.

Betty K. Klein – 55, Ravenden, Ariz., failure to comply/possession of a controlled substance, $723 bond.

Paul F. Knox – 33, Haugen, Mont., reckless driving, $500 bond.

Justin N. Koivu – 26, Sandpoint, failure to comply/driving without privileges, $6,000 bond.

Paula R. Koivu – 47, Sandpoint, failure to appear/possession of a controlled substance, $2,500 bond.

Debra J. Lampman – 41, Athol, hunt/fish/trap without a license, $100 bond.

Brian W. Landers – 41, Spokane, failure to appear/driving under the influence, $10,000 bond.

Most contempt warrants can be taken care of by contacting the Bonner County courthouse and paying an outstanding fine.