Meriwether won’t be too pleased
“My mother was born in Lewiston, Idaho, and often spoke of it,” wrote Spokane’s Darlene Brice.
So maybe it’s not surprising that, as a child, Brice got the idea in her head that there once had been this guy named Lewiston Clark who tramped through the woods with Sacajawea.
•Here’s a Slice question that can be answered with snapshots: What Inland Northwest preschooler has the mangiest beloved stuffed animal?
•Warning for city-park bird feeders: A lot of ducks have mating on their minds right now. So if you take little kids to feed them, be prepared to answer puzzled questions about nature.
•When a temporary worker at your office goes home at night, he/she says: A) “You’ve never seen such a bunch of psychos.” B) “I don’t know how that place stays in business.” C) “Someone must have told the people there that if they acknowledge my existence they’ll get a disease.” D) “The motto there is ‘The customer is always wrong.’ ” E) “The boomers and Xers hate each other and the Gen Y folks hate them both.” F) “Their idea of getting feedback on their product is to talk among themselves.” G) “Until today, I thought you saw that glazed-over, burned out look only at big day-care centers.” H) “You ought to see what this one person was wearing. Holy moley, I thought I was at the beach.” I) “It’s one of those places full of life-affirming phonies who compete to see who can be most passive-aggressive.” J) “The one rule at that office is, ‘The angriest person wins.’ ” K) “There’s this weird smell.”
L) “The main focus of the business appears to be employees arguing with their kids on the phone.” M) “The men are sissies and the women appear to be on drugs.” N) “I didn’t notice much work being done, but there’s a lot of talking about sports and complaining about the temperature.” O) “The language made me feel like I had stumbled into an HBO series.” P) “It’s a lot like junior high, but with doughy bodies.” Q) “The big thing there is to keep your head down.” R) “If it wasn’t for talking behind people’s backs, there would be no conversation at all.” S) “Ever seen ‘Glengarry Glen Ross’? ” T) “Some guy was eating something at his desk that looked like Klingon food.” U) “It’s like a nightclub that nobody goes to anymore.” V) “One manager spends all day in the bathroom.” W) “It’s like a museum of 1970s hairstyles.” X) “Everyone was using the Internet to shop, play games or look at porn.” Y) “Communication is hard because everybody is listening to music on headphones.” Z) “Most of the people seem nice.”
•This date in Slice column history (1999): Dating your best friend’s sibling.
•Another misheard song lyric: Debbie Fantasia thought that Jim Croce’s “Bad, Bad Leroy Brown” had a raisin in his shoe. It was a razor.
•Today’s Slice question: What did a boss do to win your undying loyalty?
(To avoid tempting anyone to use this process for reasons motivated by office politics, let’s restrict answers to discussion of things done by bosses we had in the past.)