Idaho records
Police blotter
Kootenai County sheriff
Allen Friesen, Post Falls, reported Friday the $3,888 theft of electronics, fishing gear and miscellaneous items from a float house at Scenic Bay Marina in Bayview, Idaho.
Kellen Green, Liberty Lake, reported Saturday the $2,175 theft of three CD players and miscellaneous items plus $175 in damage to the center console and a door of his 1999 BMW while it was parked in the 5200 block of East Marine Drive near Post Falls.
Ronald Elliott, Harrison, Idaho, reported Saturday the theft of an aluminum boat worth $1,500 from the Harrison city docks on Lake Coeur d’Alene.
Robert Harrison, Hayden, Idaho, reported Saturday the theft of a side mirror worth $310 from his 1994 Toyota 4-Runner while it was parked in the 11200 block of Strahorn Road in Hayden.
Dixie Weinman, Post Falls, reported Sunday the theft of a 1992 Oldsmobile worth $4,000 from her home in the 2300 block of Miller Way.
Connie Hopper, Hayden, Idaho, reported Sunday $600 in damage to the exterior paint of her 2001 Mazda pickup while it was parked in the 2100 block of West James Crowe Drive.
News of Record
Kootenai County
Civil complaints
John Sahlin v. Jesse Smedley, seeking $1,559.
Coeur d’Alene Adjustment Bureau v. Katheryn Jackson, seeking $1,539.
Les Schwab Tire Center v. Scott Walters, seeking $1,421.
Credit Bureau of Lewiston-Clarkston Inc. v. Kraig and Amy Watson, seeking $17,977.
Civil judgments
Sherwin Williams Co. v. Edward Gilmore, d b a Team Painting, award of $7,074.
Divorces sought
Veronica Orr from Michael Orr.