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The Spokesman-Review Newspaper
Spokane, Washington  Est. May 19, 1883

Benefits upheld for gay couples

Associated Press

SEATTLE — A King County Superior Court judge has affirmed the city’s right to determine employee benefits for married same-sex couples.

Judge Bruce Hilyer on Friday dismissed a lawsuit against Mayor Greg Nickels over his recognition of same-sex marriages from other states. Hilyer ruled that the executive order Nickels signed in March, directing city departments to extend benefits to employees in gay and lesbian marriages, isn’t in conflict with state law and doesn’t violate the city charter.

“The court’s decision is a great contribution to equality and family values,” Nickels said Friday.

The two out-of-state legal organizations that sued on behalf of 12 local residents said they will likely appeal.

The mayor’s action defied state law, said Randy Leskovar, a West Seattle pastor and one of the plaintiffs.

“This is a very classic example of an activist judge making law rather than interpreting it,” Leskovar said.

Seattle has offered its employees in registered domestic-partner relationships the same benefits it offers opposite-sex couples since 1989. In April, the Seattle City Council unanimously put part of the mayor’s order into law.