Accuracy watch
Close legislative race was in 2000
The second closest legislative race in recent history in Spokane’s 6th Legislative District was in 2000, when John Ahern beat Jack Geraghty by 419 votes. Due to a reporter’s error, a story Wednesday listed a race in 2002.
Troy Moe is Maynard Moe’s son
Troy Moe, who is involved in a lawsuit against Spokane Raceway Park, is the son of Maynard Moe and nephew of Earl and Orville Moe. Due to a reporter’s error, Troy Moe’s relationship was incorrectly reported Thursday.
Corrected obituary in IN Life
Due to a clerical error, Wednesday’s obituary for Ralph J. Dieziger listed an incorrect city of birth. A full obituary can be found in today’s IN Life section.