Idaho calendar
Family Day at the Coeur d’Alene Resort – Children’s choirs will be performing from 11 a.m.-6 p.m.; admission is $1. Children’s workshops will be set up in the Plaza Shops with holiday craft projects for 25 cents each.
“Lewis and Clark Crossing the Centuries” – The Idaho Public Television-produced DVD will be shown Monday at 7 p.m. at the Coeur d’Alene Public Library, followed by a demonstration of clothing and equipment used by the Corps of Discovery by local historian Robert Singletary. Information: 769-2315.
“Kennewick Man: An Epic Drama of the West” – The film based on the 1996 anthropological find by two college students will be shown Monday in the Todd Lecture Hall in Molstead Library at North Idaho College. Information: 769-3397.
Forest Plan Revision status – Public meeting Monday from 6:30-8:30 p.m. in Moscow, at the University Inn Best Western, 1516 Pullman Road.
North Idaho College Booster Club Luncheon – Tuesday at the Outback Steakhouse at noon. Featured speaker will be Dan Malcolm, longtime regional sports official. Information: 769-3348.
Annual Henry SiJohn Memorial History Lecture – Tuesday at noon in the Driftwood Bay Room of the Edminster Student Union Building at North Idaho College. Ernie Stensgar, chairman of the Coeur d’Alene Tribal Council, will be the speaker. Information: 769-3397.
Holiday Craft Class – Tuesday, 6:30-8 p.m., at the Post Falls Public Library, 821 Spokane St., For adults. Crafting fresh evergreens; $7. Information: 773-1506.
UI Observes World AIDS Day – A special quilt will go on display Tuesday in the Idaho Commons, and from 12:30-1:30 a panel of international students will discuss worldwide AIDS issues in the Commons Crest Room located on the fourth floor. Candlelight vigil is at 5:30 p.m. in the Commons Courtyard Wednesday. Information: 885-6616.
Public meeting to discuss forest plan revision status – Wednesday from 6-8 p.m. at the Forest Service District office on 1500 Highway 2 in Sandpoint.
Warren Miller’s “Impact” – The ski and snowboard film will be shown Wednesday at 7 p.m. in Boswell Hall’s Schuler Auditorium at North Idaho College; $14 adults, $10 students, senior citizens and those 17 and under. Information: 769-7809.