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The Spokesman-Review Newspaper
Spokane, Washington  Est. May 19, 1883

Landers out of line

The Spokesman-Review

This is in response to Rich Landers’ column (Oct. 28, “Voters, beware . . .”). I like his articles and have bought his books, but I am extremely offended by his political bias. It also displays his ignorance of facts.

John Kerry has continuously voted for more and more gun control. I don’t belong to the NRA, but I am in favor of its defense of our gun rights.

If Landers would talk to Canadian hunters, he might find out what a mess their government has made of trying to control guns and what an expensive boondoggle it has turned into.

The law-abiding hunter and gun owner is the only one obeying the stupid laws they have enacted. Criminals don’t obey laws. That’s why they are criminals.

Landers’ hate of the NRA and the conservatives is totally out of line for an outdoors editor.

Bill Bennett
