Babe feels connection with child on ‘All My Children’
In Llanview, Babe (who was unaware that Ace is really her “dead” son) felt an instant connection with the child whom Kevin was holding. Later, she demanded that Paul tell her where Kevin got Ace. Greenlee was upset when Jack supported Kendall in Ryan’s shooting. Jamie bonded with Bess (who is actually Bianca’s daughter, Miranda) as he watched her in Babe’s absence. Aidan told Kendall that she couldn’t have shot Ryan since he was hit by a bullet from a high-powered rifle. Wait to See: Bianca grows suspicious of David and Krystal.
Jack and Julie remained oblivious to Carly’s search. Will set a trap and Barbara fell into it. Emily decided Alison had to know the truth. Lucy wanted to know Aaron’s true feelings. Wait to See: Barbara finds a new partner. Julia comes to see the life that Jack left behind. Lily’s anger with Will affects her relationship with Holden.
After the princess told Darla, Thorne and Clarke that she loved the Spectra designs and agreed to wear them, Thorne called Ridge to gloat. Amber ignored the restraining order and continued her affair with Thomas. Rick and Caitlin told Ridge that Hector accepted their relationship so long as they don’t rush things. Later, at the Spectra fashion show, Jackie realized they were using knock-offs of Forrester designs and told Eric. When Rick balked at taking Caitlin to the homecoming dance, Thomas offered to take her as a friend. Wait to See: Thorne takes a risky step.
On the island: Bo, John, Caroline, Victor, Roman, Marlena, Abe, Tony, Jennifer and her baby arrived at the barrier, but Bo realized that Hope was not among them and rushed off to find her. Meanwhile, Hope and Patrick continued their search for Jack, with Hope becoming more suspicious of Patrick. Bo found Billie Reed in the jungle. In Salem: Although still grieving for the “dead” Chloe, Brady told Nicole (who felt she was being haunted by Victor) that he believed Chloe would want him to move on. Meanwhile, a badly disfigured Chloe refused to let Nancy tell Brady that she’s still alive. Wait to See: Tony slips up, or does he?
Durant and his aide, Steven, planned on using Carly to put Sonny in prison. Knowing that Durant could hurt Sonny, Carly didn’t tell him she’s his daughter. Meanwhile, Sonny caught a federal agent posing as a maid trying to put a listening device in his and Carly’s hotel room. After getting information on Heather’s past from Elizabeth, Felicia asked Mac for more details on Heather’s crimes. Faith was put in a cell with Skye. Helena and Tracy bribed Nurse Harris to say she saw Emily carrying pills into Mary’s hospital room at the time of Mary’s murder. Wait to See: Carly must choose between Sonny and Durant.
Dinah remained an obstacle to Cassie and Edmund’s plans. Harley changed her tactics so she could get even with Phillip. Reva’s attempts to help Sandy were thwarted by his shocking news. Lizzie got JB to push Tammy out of the picture. Wait to See: Tammy’s interest in JB jeopardizes Sandy. Harley learns Phillip has the last word. Sebastian’s news about Roger raises Holly’s suspicions.
Antonio reeled at learning his life had been a lie. Todd helped Dorian blackmail Kevin into allowing Kelly to spend time with Ace. Babe Chandler questioned Paul about Ace and felt a maternal pull toward the baby. Asa held a gun on Todd and Blair and ordered them out of the mansion. Marcie was upset that her father wouldn’t accept Eric’s upcoming wedding to another man. Blair later knocked Asa unconscious with a heavy candlestick when he insulted Starr. Asa came to in the woods where Blair and Todd moved him, and vowed revenge. Wait to See: Nora falls into Bo’s arms. Rex rescues Asa for a price.
Kay and Simone told Tabitha they weren’t sure if their efforts to alter Chad’s medical records were successful. Meanwhile, Julian and Eve tried to console Chad and Whitney, who had just learned they’re half-siblings. Ivy overheard Ethan pray that Gwen is the mother of both of the babies Theresa is carrying. Sheridan proposed to Luis. Fox was hurt when Julian chose to talk about Chad rather than discuss Fox’s hard work. Wait to See: Martin and Katherine face a stunning realization in Harmony.
Sharon discovered Nikki in what appeared to be a compromising situation. Neil’s decision about Devon had devastating consequences for the entire Winters family. Brittany saved the day for Bobby, but it could come at a great cost A confrontation with Alex could lead to disaster for Daniel and Phyllis. Ashley feared for the well-being of her father, John, as Gloria continued her determination to get herself into the Abbott household. Wait to See: Brad makes a decision he may regret.