Idaho records
Police Blotter
Coeur d’Alene police
Kevin Konrath, employee of Sherwin-Williams, reported Monday the $500 theft of a laptop computer from the business at 2011 N. Fourth St.
Donald Demotte reported Monday $450 damage to two windshields and a headlight of two Honda Civics parked at his home on the 2100 block of S. Fairway Drive.
Kootenai County sheriff
Michael Henderson, Hayden, reported Monday the $3,200 theft of a 2002 Yamaha 8 hp outboard motor from his boat while it was parked at his home on the 1900 block of E. Avon Circle.
Gary Hoxie, employee of Edgewood Log Structures, reported Monday the $300 theft of logs from the business at 6254 E. Parks Road near Athol.
News of Record
Shoshone County
Civil complaint
Idaho Department of Health and Welfare v. Monica Nelson, seeking $1,130.
Kootenai County
Criminal sentencings
Judge Charles Hosack
Marissa R. Hastie, 18, address unavailable; petty theft; $300 fine, 180 days in jail (120 days suspended), two years probation.
Judge Barry Watson
Douglas D. Demorest, 47, Dalton Gardens; driving without privileges; $500 fine, six months driver’s license suspension, 180 days in jail (164 days suspended) or 64 hours county work program, two years probation.
Gary F. Breuchaud, 54, address unavailable; malicious injury to property; $300 fine, 180 days in jail (175 days suspended) or 16 hours county work program, two years probation.
Benjamin J. Emery, 20, Post Falls; misdemeanor probation violation; five days in jail or proof of completion of Alcohol Drug Instruction School.
Jason A Castillo, 26, Coeur d’Alene; Count I: misdemeanor probation violation; one year in jail. Count II: malicious injury to property; $500 fine, $390 restitution to victims, one year in jail (suspended), two years probation. Count III: misdemeanor probation violation; $390 restitution, one year in jail.
Jennifer J. Stern, 38, Post Falls; petty theft; $60 restitution, 180 days in jail (159 days suspended), two years probation.
Joseph A. Whitaker Jr., 29, Post Falls; misdemeanor probation violation; $1,047 restitution, 24 days in jail.
Judge Penny Friedlander
Jake J. Troutman, 19, Dalton Gardens; disturbing the peace; $300 fine, 180 days in jail (175 day suspended) or 40 hours county work program, two years probation.
Trevor A. Cressey, 18, Spokane; Count I: possession/consumption/purchase of alcohol by a minor; $500 fine, one year probation. Count II: use or possession of drug paraphernalia with intent to use; $500 fine, 180 days in jail (175 days suspended) or 40 hours county work program, one year probation.
Tiffany L. Trejos, 24, Coeur d’Alene; driving without privileges; $500 fine, six months driver’s license suspension, 180 days in jail (175 days suspended) or 40 hours county work program, two years probation.
Gabreil A. Kurzhal, 26, Spokane; misdemeanor probation violation; 20 days in jail.
Judge Don Swanstrom
Dustin L. Green, 19, Hayden Lake; possession of a controlled substance; $30 fine, 180 days in jail (145 days suspended), two years probation.
Vicente Morales-Chona, 27, Knoxville, Tenn.; driving under the influence; six months driver’s license suspension, 180 days in jail (148 days suspended), two years probation.
Judge Benjamin Simpson
Sheena R. Hinkle, 19, Coeur d’Alene; possession/consumption/purchase of alcohol by a minor; $1,000 fine, three months driver’s license suspension, two years probation.
Sabrina J. Hall, 32, Coeur d’Alene; battery-domestic violence; 16 hours community service, 30 days in jail (25 days suspended) or 16 hours county work program, two years probation.
Dwight I. James, 20, Hayden; petty theft; $300 fine, 30 days in jail (25 days suspended) or 16 hours county work program, two years probation.
Troy A. Sargent, 21, Coeur d’Alene; driving without privileges; $300 fine, six months driver’s license suspension, 90 days in jail (85 days suspended) or 16 hours county work program, two years probation.
Dustin T. Steven, 19, Coeur d’Alene; driving without privileges; $300 fine, six months driver’s license suspension, 90 days in jail (85 days suspended) or 16 hours county work program, two years probation.
Jereb W. Fellows, 23 Coeur d’Alene; misdemeanor probation violation; five days in jail.
Joshua H. Colvin, 18, Coeur d’Alene; misdemeanor probation violation; five days in jail.
Edward M. Pierce III, 30, Hayden; Count I: possession of a controlled substance; $1,000 fine, one year in jail (345 days suspended), two years probation. Count II: use or possession of drug paraphernalia with intent to use; $1,000 fine, one year in jail (350 days suspended), two years probation.
Samuel L. Card, 24, Coeur d’Alene; unlawful transport of open container of alcohol; $300 fine, 90 days in jail (80 days suspended) or 40 hours county work program, two years probation.
Patrick A. Rae, 39, Post Falls; misdemeanor probation violation; 10 days in jail.
Tina R. Morton, 34, Clarkston, Wash.; misdemeanor probation violation; 60 days in jail, 100 hours community service.
Parris L. Hetzler, 24, Coeur d’Alene; misdemeanor probation violation; 90 days in jail.
DUI Court
Michael J. Anderson, 31, Hayden; driving under the influence; $500 fine, 90 days driver’s license suspension, 180 days in jail (159 days suspended), one year probation.
Judge Eugene Marano
Carin A. Call, 33, Coeur d’Alene; driving without privileges; $500 fine, six months driver’s license suspension, 180 days in jail (175 days suspended), two years probation.
Angela K. Anderson, 34, Post Falls; failure to purchase a driver’s license; $300 fine, 180 days in jail (175 days suspended), two years probation.
Branden J. Beach, 22, Coeur d’Alene; Count I: failure to purchase a driver’s license; $300 fine, 180 days in jail (170 days suspended), two years probation. Count II: failure to provide proof of insurance; $300 fine, 180 days in jail (170 days suspended), two years probation.
Kelly P. Sturgis, 43, Coeur d’Alene; Count I: assault; 90 days in jail. Count II: driving without privileges; six months driver’s license suspension, 180 days in jail.
Francisco J. Lopez-Teller, 35, Spokane; driving under the influence; $1,000 fine, 90 days driver’s license suspension, 180 days in jail (170 days suspended), two years probation.
Michael W. Kyle, 24, Hayden; Count I: driving under the influence; $1,000 fine, six months driver’s license suspension, 180 days in jail (150 days suspended), two years probation. Count II: misdemeanor probation violation; 60 days in jail.
Civil judgments
Coeur d’Alene Adjustment Bureau v. Athena Elliott, award of $3,043.
NCO Financial Systems Inc. v. David Dunkin, award of $5,353.
Quick Release Bail Bonds v. Marilyn Ward, award of $1,273.
Coeur d’Alene Adjustment Bureau v. Melissa Hethorn and Lonnie Hethorn, award of $1,367.
Coeur d’Alene Adjustment Bureau v. Krystal Burke, award of $2,329.
Coeur d’Alene Adjustment Bureau v. Tyson Lewis, award of $1,734.
North Idaho Credit Corp. v. White Concrete Inc., award of $4,721.
Civil dismissals
Les Schwab Tire Center v. Misty Saganski.
Coeur d’Alene Adjustment Bureau v. Donald Davis Jr. and Suzanne Davis.
Divorces granted
Janet Hackney from John Hackney.
Sarah Askey from Rodney Askey.
Shelly Hansen from Dalin Hansen.
Carli Graupman from Michael Graupman.