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The Spokesman-Review Newspaper
Spokane, Washington  Est. May 19, 1883

Idaho records

The Spokesman-Review

Police Blotter

Coeur d’Alene Police

Clint Savage reported Tuesday the $500 theft of a CD player and numerous compact discs from his Ford Mustang while it was parked in a lot on the 1600 block of Sherman Ave.

Jamie Firzlaff reported Wednesday the $410 theft of six dresses from her 1991 Dodge Spirit while it was parked at her home on the 1000 block of N. 16th St.

Matthew Norton reported Wednesday the $1,800 theft of a bike from the 1600 block of E. Sherman Ave.

Clark Schmidt, employee of U Rent, reported Wednesday the $56,000 theft of a 2005 International truck when it was rented from the business in Coeur d’Alene and not returned to an authorized location in Redding, Calif.

Kootenai County sheriff

Tony Favre, Post Falls, reported Wednesday the $6,000 theft of two gold wedding bands from his home on the 1900 block of E. 12th Ave.

Gary Strand, member of the Pleasant View Community Association, reported Wednesday the $300 theft of a historical black-and-white photograph from the Pleasant View Community Center, 18724 W. Pleasant View Road near Post Falls.

Barbara Bliss, Post Falls, reported Monday the $18,000 theft of a 1978 Willy’s Jeep, a 1955 GMC van, and a GMC flatbed pickup from her home on the 14400 block of W. Alyosius Way.

Susan White, Coeur d’Alene, reported Wednesday the $2,500 theft of a 1993 Chevrolet Cavalier while it was parked at Sargent’s Restaurant, 9021 W. Government Way in Hayden.

Kenneth Pearson, owner of Pop’s I-90 RV Sales, reported Wednesday the $1,450 theft of a propane heater, electronics, and miscellaneous items from six vehicles and $100 damage to a television cabinet of a motor home at the business at 6880 W. Seltice Way.

News of Record

Shoshone County

Criminal sentencing

Judge Dan McGee

Michael Bedwell, 25, Mullan; driving under the influence; $1,000 fine ($250 suspended), 180 days in jail (158 days suspended), 180 days driver’s license suspension, two years probation.

Civil complaints

Coeur d’Alene Adjustment Bureau v. Billie and Tom Papandrea, seeking $1,582

Ford Motor Credit Co. v. Mark Thrasher, seeking $5,138.

Civil judgments

Shoshone Adjustment Bureau v. Donald and Dawna Madsen, award of $2,407.

Shoshone Adjustment Bureau v. James and Pricella Bebout, award of $1,629.

Coeur d’Alene Adjustment Bureau v. Shane Orton, award of $2,102.

Worldwide Asset Purchasing LLC v. Veronica Spotts, award of $8,641.

Shoshone Adjustment Bureau v. Joseph and Jacie DeYoung, award of $2,259.

Civil dismissals

Mike Stevens v. Jimmy Nickerson.

Jamie Dahlstedt v. Tricia Enes.

21st Mortgage Corp. v. William and Tori Christman.

Kootenai County

Civil complaints

The Rental Connection v. Jean Cook, aka Gramma Lee, seeking $2,640.

AutoRental of Coeur d’Alene v. Roger Martin, seeking $2,120.

Spokane Merchants Association v. Larry Shaffer Jr., dba S & S Landscaping, seeking $1,765.

Great Seneca Financial Corp. v. Jeffery Shepherd, seeking $2,637.

U.S. Bank N.A. v. Anna Beggs, seeking $10,963.

Citibank South Dakota N.A. v. Tammy Chaffin, seeking $12,583.

Civil judgments

LHR Inc. v. John Jones, award of $1,899.

Coeur d’Alene Adjustment Bureau v. Jerade Smith and Jennifer Smith, award of $2,114.

Coeur d’Alene Adjustment Bureau v. Johnny Hodson, award of $2,169.

Coeur d’Alene Adjustment Bureau v. James Taylor, award of $1,198.

C. David Anderson v. Kittrel Heggins and Peter Cedotal, award of $1,247.

Cavalry Portfolio Services LLC v. Matt House, award of $1,549.

Runge Finance Co. v. Trevor Bowlby, award of $7,799.

Civil dismissals

Robin Rapp v. Marion Delaney.

Lobo Lodge Inc. v. Safeway Inc., and K.C. Construction Inc.

Divorces sought

Rebecca Lacy from Matthew Lacy.

Rebecca Gardner from Matthew Gardner.

Rachell Autrey from Dean Autrey.

Jocelyn Stott from Jerry Elder.

Ronald Ghramm from Deanna Ghramm.

Pamela Ramirez from Jose Ramirez-Perez.

Divorces granted

Erica Sofaly from Richard Sofaly.

Vanessa Schaff from Richard Schaff.

David Anderson from Tina Anderson.

Michelle Krewson from David Krewson.

Denee Visintainer from Michael Visintainer.

Michelle Ingraham from Ross Ingraham.