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The Spokesman-Review Newspaper
Spokane, Washington  Est. May 19, 1883

T’s with ‘tude

Natalie Elting Knight Ridder

Ever find that being nice won’t suffice? Let your shirt do the talking.

Raleigh, N.C., native Eric Rothman, 27, has launched a line of T-shirts called Rude Wear: Attire with an Attitude. A personal trainer by day, the N.C. State University grad designs shirts that push the envelope with slogans such as, “When all else fails, Be Rude,” and others not fit for polite company.

Q: What inspired Rude Wear?

A: Me and my friend were out one night for dinner talking about work and frustrations, and this guy came in with a T-shirt that said something kind of silly. … I thought, “Why can’t we do something like that, but have sayings that talk about the attitude that you feel sometimes when life’s pushing you around and you’ve had a bad day at work?” Sometimes there are things you want to say but can’t … things we know everybody’s thinking.

Q: How many designs do you have and how much do they cost?

A: Right now there are eight to 10 designs. They cost $12.

Q: Where do the rude phrases come from?

A: Some come from experience and others are sayings that we’ve seen or heard in passing or that we’ve thought of … that have an attitude.

Q: What’s your favorite T-shirt?

A: One of my favorites is the one that says, “Can’t Be Racist/ I Hate Everybody.” … People always stop me and say, “Hey, I feel just like that,” or I hear, “That’s me” or “That’s you.” I get a lot of good responses from that one.

Q: Where do you see Rude Wear in five years?

A: I’d like to have my line going and be able to expand to other types of apparel, bumper stickers … pants, and hats with lots of other styles and designs.

Go to for Rothman’s T-shirts. Some shirts feature mature subject matter.