Clues scarce over missing Utah Scout

KAMAS, Utah – Searchers had few clues Monday to the whereabouts of an 11-year-old boy missing from a popular Boy Scout camp in a rugged, snowcapped mountain range in Utah.
Brennan Hawkins last was seen Friday afternoon at the camp in the Uinta Mountains about 80 miles east of Salt Lake City.
“We have nothing to go on,” Summit County Sheriff Dave Edmunds said.
Hawkins, who had not yet graduated from Cub Scouts to Boy Scouts, was a visitor at the camp with a friend whose father was volunteering at a three-day session for 1,400 older Scouts.
The sheriff said he has no reason to suspect foul play, but he has opened a criminal investigation. Detectives are checking the background of every adult who was at the camp Friday.
Hawkins disappeared somewhere along a quarter-mile of dirt road between the camp’s artificial climbing wall and the “chow hall,” where he was to meet his friend.
Searchers used poles to probe swift water near the camp.
Hawkins carried no food or water, and his family said he doesn’t have a good sense of direction.
Weather has been mild, with temperatures falling only into the 50s at night.