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The Spokesman-Review Newspaper
Spokane, Washington  Est. May 19, 1883

Letter draws hundreds of responses

Kathy Mitchell Marcy Sugar Creators Syndicate

Dear Annie: I would like to respond to “Southwest Sufferer,” who went through multiple miscarriages and whose husband refused to have a vasectomy.

I am 45 years old and had a vasectomy 12 years ago. Here are the pros: (1) You will be doing your part to reduce worldwide overpopulation. (2) You can throw away those hated condoms. (3) Your wife will be relieved that she does not have to worry about pregnancy. (4) Your wife’s appreciation can be expressed in many ways. Here’s the con: (1) You will suffer 48 hours of discomfort after undergoing a quick, safe, simple procedure. That’s it.

However, Annie, while I am an advocate for vasectomy, no one should be assailed for deciding against an elective procedure. – Shooting Blanks in Connecticut

Dear Conn.: We heard from hundreds of readers on the subject. Read on:

From Seattle: I’m a 36-year-old mother of two children born via C-section. My husband is a diabetic, so elective surgery for him is not an option. Let’s face it, women are more responsible for birth control because it’s our bodies that get pregnant.

Midwest: I am the father of five and had a vasectomy 14 years ago. It is a relatively minor procedure, but for me, sex wasn’t quite the same afterward. It wasn’t macho pride. It was knowing that the possibility of creating more beautiful children had been taken from me. She should not bully him into this, or there will be other issues.

Louisiana: Twenty years ago, my wife and two small girls dropped me off at the clinic for a vasectomy, and they went for ice cream. When they returned, my ice bag and I were in the waiting room. Libido is largely between the ears. This is a character and maturity issue. I didn’t do it for her. I did it for us.

Texas: Tell her to check out Natural Family Planning through The Couple to Couple League ( It’s safe, reliable, natural and nonsurgical.

Camarillo, Calif.: I had a vasectomy and have had no ill effects whatsoever. Everything down there works just fine. You know what they call folks who use the withdrawal method, don’t you? Parents!

Massachusetts: I had a tubal ligation in 1980. It was done on a Friday, and I was back to work the following Monday. She should take her reproductive situation into her own hands. The least her husband can do is care for the children while she takes it easy for a few days.

Wisconsin: Please tell her about “Naturalamb” condoms for those who are allergic to latex (although they aren’t recommended for protection against HIV).

Up North: After our third child, my wife was scared of getting pregnant again and sex became nonexistent. After the vasectomy, our sex life was better than ever. Just grab a couple bags of frozen peas for a day or two, then hold on to your hat, ‘cause you’re gonna get some!

Hammond, Ind.: If she doesn’t want more kids, SHE should have the surgery. It’s her medical problem, not his.

Naples, Italy: Three years after my vasectomy, my wife wanted a divorce. My second wife would like to have children, and so would I, but the reversal has been unsuccessful.

Boston: Oh, please. I had my tubes tied and was back at work within 10 days. “Southwest Sufferer” is looking for somebody to take responsibility for her.

Pennsylvania: Her husband is a wimp. My wife says my vasectomy is the greatest gift (besides our children) I ever gave her. Our sex life is through the roof.