Spokane calendar
“Seven Weeks in Africa” - Spokane Community College lecture presented by Tammy Filliater, SCC life science instructor, 11:30 a.m., SCC Lair-Student Center Sasquatch Room, Building 6, 1810 N. Greene; 533-7237, 533-8017.
Engineers Forum of Spokane - “What’s Happening on the City Council” presented by Cherie Rodgers, Spokane City Councilwoman, at the Airport Holiday Inn, 1616 Windsor Drive. Lunch will be served at noon for $11; program begins at 12:30 p.m.; 244-3467.
Spokane’s United Nations Association lecture - “Economic Development and Diversity: Building Our Social and Cultural Capital,” presented by Ben Cabildo, founder and executive director of AHANA Business and Professional Association, 7 p.m., Unitarian Universalist Church, 4340 W. Fort George Wright Drive; 624-3608.
EWU Women’s Studies Center - lecture - “Unexamined Assumptions: What’s Holding Us Back,” presented by EV VanderWeil, M.A., doctoral student in leadership at Gonzaga University, Tuesday, noon-1 p.m., Room 207, Monroe Hall, Eastern Washington University campus, Cheney; 359-2898.
EWU Women’s Studies Center lecture - “Social Security: Is It Good For Women and People of Color?” presented by Leslie McAuley, Social Security Administration, Wednesday, noon-1 p.m., Room 207, Monroe Hall, Eastern Washington University campus, Cheney; 359-2898.
Spokane Audubon Society meeting - Becky Ilias will discuss pgymy rabbits of the Columbia Basin, Wednesday, 7:30 p.m., Riverview Retirement Community, 1801 E. Upriver Drive; 466-3098.