Statins may be linked to memory-loss episodes
Q. In 1999, shortly after I began taking Lipitor, I was working at the church with other volunteers. I went off to use the restroom, and after half an hour someone came to look for me. I was walking around in a circle and couldn’t remember much. I was hospitalized for two days, but all the tests were negative.
Five years later I had another episode and missed a doctor’s appointment. He called, since I am never late, and found that I was repeating myself and not making sense. He called my wife to alert her.
In the meantime, a friend of mine came to the house. I recognized him, but he also thought I was acting strange.
This attack of transient global amnesia lasted three hours. The neurologist who diagnosed it said he is seeing more cases than ever before.
Since I read in your column of a connection with cholesterol-lowering drugs, I wonder if people taking statins should wear some kind of medical-alert bracelet like diabetics do. You never know where you will be when an episode of TGA strikes.
A. The link between Lipitor (or other statins) and memory problems like total global amnesia remains controversial. We have heard, though, from many other readers who report similar experiences. Your idea of wearing an ID bracelet to alert medical professionals makes sense.
Q. You suggested Sonata for a reader who wakens early in the morning and can’t get back to sleep. This is a good recommendation, but you should also warn people not to drink alcohol in the evening. This is one of the most common causes of early-morning wakefulness. When the alcohol wears off, the person wakes up.
As a doctor, I hate using a drug to counter the side effects of another drug, including alcohol.
A. A nightcap may be a traditional way to relax, but it can affect sleep. Thanks for reminding us that treating drug-induced insomnia with a medication is not logical.
Q. I am going in for surgery in two weeks, and my doctor said not to stop aspirin. The last time I had surgery, I was told to quit two weeks ahead. What’s changed?
A. Surgeons used to caution patients to stop aspirin before surgery for fear it would cause uncontrollable bleeding.
New research shows that patients who continue aspirin are less likely to die right after open-heart surgery (Circulation, September 2005). The researchers found that people on aspirin were no more likely to have complications with bleeding. But they caution that patients having other types of surgery should check with their physicians about whether to continue aspirin.
Q. I’ve heard that taking vitamins may help prevent macular degeneration. What is the formula?
A. The combination of vitamins tested in the Age-Related Eye Disease Study is 500 milligrams vitamin C, 400 IU vitamin E, 15 milligrams beta-carotene, 80 milligrams zinc and 2 milligrams copper daily. Check with your doctor before taking this.
Q. After taking Detrol for overactive bladder, my vision became so blurred that I could barely see. My niece told me it was the Detrol, and when I stopped it, my vision cleared up. Please alert other readers.
A. Blurred vision is known to be a potential side effect of Detrol. You should have been warned about this before you started taking it.