Idaho records
Police Blotter
Coeur d’Alene Police
Gary Miller, employee of Dales Used Cars Inc., reported Wednesday the $3,000 theft of four custom wheels and tires from a 2001 Chevrolet Blazer parked at the business at 1818 N. Fourth St.
Lucas Schell reported Wednesday the $600 theft of a 9mm Smith and Wesson handgun from his pickup parked at his home on the 1400 block of North Richmond Drive.
Amber Bunch reported Monday the $500 theft of a 1990 Toyota Camry from her home on the 1100 block of Marie Avenue.
Mitchell Taylor reported Wednesday the $800 theft of a 1984 Nissan Pulsar parked on the 4800 block of North Industrial Way.
News of Record
Shoshone County
Civil complaints
Shoshone Adjustment Bureau v. Steven and Laura Nichols, seeking $6,921.
Shara Petrick-Mariah v. Larry Mitchell, seeking amount to be proved at trial.
Kootenai County
Criminal sentencings
Judge Robert Burton
Robert J. O’Duane, 23, Coeur d’Alene; driving without privileges; 31 days in jail, six months driver’s license suspension.
Poco J. Jones, 27, Coeur d’Alene; misdemeanor probation violation; 215 days in jail.
Robert C. Cameron, 52, Hayden; misdemeanor probation violation; 180 days in jail.
Judge Penny Friedlander
Daniel P. Brewer, 19, Coeur d’Alene; theft by receiving/possessing stolen property; 127 days in jail.
Eugene Nomee Sr., 54, Plummer; driving without privileges; 67 days in jail, six months driver’s license suspension.
Civil complaints
North Idaho Credit Corp. v. Jerry Rucker and Mishawn Rucker, seeking $2,656.
Samara Weholt Peppers v. Tamara Arrotta and Travis Law, seeking $1,580.
North Idaho Credit Corp. v. Shelly Purl, seeking $1,791.
North Idaho Credit Corp. v. John Simmons, seeking $2,822.
Heidi Duchow v. Brianna St. Onge, seeking $3,485.
Civil judgments
Laurie Adams and Craig Adams v. Carleen Boland, plaintiff awarded $4,075.
ACS Inc. of Idaho v. Michael Powers, plaintiff awarded $5,893.
North Idaho Credit Corp. v. Robert Stevens and Karen Stevens, plaintiff awarded $2,267.
Francisco Ramirez Padilla v. Ignacio Sanabria, plaintiff awarded $4,075.
Civil dismissals
Ford Motor Credit Co. v. Marcia Dillon and Jessie Kitelinger.
Divorces sought
Teresa Espe from Greg Espe.
Claudette Hysley from Ronald Hysley.
Vincent Vargas from Vicky Hamilton.
David Hagan from Annaliese Kohinoor-Hagan.
Dana Ruggeri from Joseph Ruggeri.
Divorces granted
Sarah Parson from Steven Parson.
Kathleen Hartley from Joseph Hartley.