Spokane calendar
Faith informing politics – The Interfaith Council and Catholic Charities will host the last in a series of public workshops discussing the five initiatives on the November ballot, 7-8 p.m. today, Country Homes Christian Church, 8415 N. Wall; 329-1410.
Halloween Family Fun Night – Friday, 5:30-7 p.m., Spokane Community College’s Lair Student Center, 1810 N. Greene; 533-7090.
Moran Prairie Harvest Dinner – The annual dinner of turkey and all the trimmings, Sunday, noon-3 p.m., Moran Prairie Grange Hall, 61st and Palouse Highway. Dinner is $8 for adults and $6 for children age 5-12, kids under 5 are free. Proceeds benefit the Grange Hall; 922-2113.
Engineers Forum of Spokane – The program is “Dentistry in the Mission Field” by retired dentist Blake McKinley, Monday, noon, Holiday Inn Airport, 1616 Windsor Drive; lunch, $12; 244-3467.
Peace Corps – Peace Corps volunteer Jen Hagenow will speak about the group’s mission, Tuesday, 6:30-8 p.m., Downtown Library, 906 W. Main; (206) 239-6603.
Institute for Extended Learning Adult Education Center open house – Tuesday, 4:30-6:30 p.m., IEL Adult Education Center, 2310 N. Monroe; 533-4600.
Compass Club luncheon – The women’s club for welcoming newcomers to the area with gather for its annual auction Tuesday, 10:30 a.m., the Ramada Inn Airport, 8909 Airport Drive; lunch, $12; to register, call 465-8163.
Pulitzer Prize winner speaks – The SFCC Journalism Club hosts a talk by Nigel Jaquiss, Pulitzer Prize winning reporter at the Wilamette Week, Wednesday 11:30 a.m., SUB Lounges A and B, 3410 W. Fort George Wright Drive; 533-4197.
Panel discussion – Local religious leaders will discuss common community values, 9:30 a.m. Wednesday at the Spokane Community College Lair Student Center, 1810 N. Greene. 533-7185.
Conservation Northwest dinner – Auction and dinner featuring author and wilderness advocate Rick Bass, Wednesday, 5:30 p.m., The Davenport Hotel, 10 S. Post; $45; (360) 671-9950, ext. 10.
Japanese culture day – The Mukogawa Fort Wright Institute hosts a free Bunka no Hi Culture Day event next Thursday, 10:15-11:45 a.m., at 4000 W. Randolph Road; reservations are requested by calling 328-2971.
Native American History Month – Celebration including drumming, dancing and guest speaker Dave Bonga, tribal lawyer and co-founder of the Kalispel Tribe’s Camas Institute, Nov. 4, 11 a.m., Institute for Extended Learning Lodge, 3305 W. Fort George Wright Drive; reservations are requested by Monday; 279-6080.
Yummies for the Tummies – A breakfast of eggs, sausage and pancakes hosted by the Corbin Senior Center, Nov. 4, 8-11 a.m., 827 W. Cleveland; $3.50 for adults, $2.50 for children; 327-1584.
Annual turkey dinner – A dinner with all the trimmings hosted by the Order of the Amaranth, a Masonic organization, Nov. 4, 4-7 p.m.,Millwood Masonic Temple, 3219 N. Argonne; a benefit for diabetes research and Shriners Hospital; $8 for adults, $3 for children under 12; 235-8969.
Wine tasting auction – The West Spokane Kiwanis host their 27th annual wine tasting auction fund raiser, Nov. 5, 6:30 p.m., West Central Community Center, 1600 N. Belt; $15 in advance, $20 at the door;328-5804 or 467-5886.
Whitworth Writing Rally – Children’s author David Shannon will lead the 22nd annual rally. Sessions are Nov. 5 from 8:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m. and 11 a.m.-3 p.m. Children in preschool through fifth grade must be accompanied by an adult and will work in small groups to create and illustrate stories. A reception will follow each session. The cost is $15. Register in advance at www.thewritingrally.org or call 777-4409. The deadline is Friday.
Scottish Highland Ball – A 50th anniversary event hosted by the St. Andrew’s Society of Spokane and the Angus Scott Pipe Band, Nov. 5, 7:30 p.m., Davenport Hotel, 10 S. Post; music, dancing and appetizer buffet; $37.50; 922-3661.
Aging population discussion – Luncheon and lecture on Eastern Washington’s aging population and the impact on the economy, Nov. 8, 11:30 a.m.-1 p.m., Ridpath Hotel, 515 W. Sprague; $12 in advance, $15 at the door; 235-5034.
Loon conservation – Spokane Audubon Society presents lecture on the status and conservation of the common Loon, Nov. 9, 7:30 p.m., Riverview Retirement Community, 1801 E. Upriver Drive; 483-5009.
Mount St. Helens lecture – U.S. Geological Survey geologist Willie Scott will present a free lecture and slide show on Mount St. Helens’ recent activity, Nov. 9 , 7 p.m., SCC Lair Student Center, 1810 N. Greene; 533-8017.
International banquet – Whitworth hosts its 20th annual international banquet Nov. 11, 5:30-7 p.m., Hixson Union Building, 300 W. Hawthorne Road; entertainment program, 7:30-8:30 p.m., Cowles Auditorium; $10; 777-4509.