Idaho calendar
Specialized Needs Halloween Dance/Costume Party – 6:30-8:30 p.m. at Prairie View Elementary School, 2478 E. Poleline, Post Falls; $3 admission, includes food, dancing, and costume contest; transportation available from designated locations, call 769-2317.
Boundary County Flu Clinic – 10:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. at the Senior Center, 6635 Lincoln St.; cost $20, covered by Medicare Part B or Medicaid; 267-5558.
Harry Potter Party – ages 8 and up, 6:30-7:30 p.m., Post Falls Public Library, 821 N. Spokane St.; kids are encouraged to come in costume or as a “muggle”; preregistration required, 773-1506.
UI Jazz Bands and Choirs Concert – 7:30 p.m., University of Idaho Lionel Hampton School of Music Recital Hall, Moscow; $5 adults, $3 students/seniors; 885-6231.
Lavender Production Workshop – Coeur d’Alene, 1-5 p.m. at the University of Idaho Extension Office, room 142, 1000 W. Hubbard Ave., Coeur d’Alene; cost $5, pre-registration recommended, free to Master Gardeners and Lavender Guild members; 446-1680.
Tutxinmepu Pow Wow – today-Saturday, University of Idaho Moscow campus; grand entry is today at 7 p.m. and Saturday, noon and 7 p.m.; 885-6291.
“The Doom of Muldoon in the Haunted Silver Mine” – frightful fund-raiser today-Saturday, 6-9 p.m., and Sunday, shows offered every half hour from 2-5 p.m., at Sierra Silver Mine Tours, 420 Fifth St., Wallace; $9 adults, $5 ages 6-12, $2 off with student ID; 752-5151.
“Legend of Sleepy Hollow” – today-Saturday, and Nov. 3-5, 7:30 p.m. 7:30 p.m., and Sunday, 2 p.m. at Lake City Playhouse, 1320 E. Garden Ave., Coeur d’Alene; $14 adults, $12 seniors, $8 kids 12 and under; 667-1323.
“Sylvia” – adult NIC theater presentation today-Saturday, 7:30 p.m, North Idaho College’s Schuler Auditorium in Boswell Hall, 1000 W. Garden Ave.; free; 769-3320.
Life Skills Northwest Open House and Air Park Event – Open house Saturday, 8-10 a.m. 2023 Sandpoint West Drive, Sandpoint; Omni Air Park informational event, noon to 4 p.m. at Omni Air Park just north of Sandpoint Airport; includes live music, aircraft display, food, raffle for airplane ride and dinner for two; call 265-6796.
Free Road Safe Winter Driving Class – Saturday, 1 p.m. at the Idaho State Patrol Region 1 office, 602 W. Prairie Ave., Coeur d’Alene; taught by ISP Capt. Wayne Longo and other ISP personnel; for info, call 772-6055.
Lakes Middle School Fall Carnival and Haunted House – Saturday, carnival from 5:30-9 p.m., spaghetti dinner 5:30-7 p.m., haunted house, 6-8:30 p.m., at the school, 930 N. 15th St.; includes cake walk, bingo, games, flush tank; dinner tickets at the door, $3 adults, $2 students; 651-1402.
Halloween Bike Festival Cyclocross Race – Saturday, registration begins 10 a.m., at North Idaho College behind Seiter Hall, 1000 W. Garden Ave.,; cyclocross race begins at noon, fun race begins at 1 p.m., prizes for race winners and best costume; Skeleton Drag Bike Costume Cruise through streets of Coeur d’Alene will be at 2 p.m., and include a costume contest; for cyclocross info, call Vertical Earth at 667-5503, or fun run or cruise info, contact NIC Outdoor Pursuits, 769-7809.
NIC Cardinal Basketball Youth Shooting Clinic – for kids of all ages, Saturday, 9 a.m.-noon, Christianson Gym, 1000 W. Garden Ave.; basic shooting techniques taught by the North Idaho College basketball team and coaching staff and other regional coaches; $25; 769-5975.
Forum on the War in Iraq and Human Rights – Saturday, 5:30 p.m., Moscow High School auditorium, 402 E. Fifth St.; topic will be the war’s effects on human rights; free; 301-1863.
Museum of North Idaho End of Season Free Day – Saturday, 11. a.m.-5 p.m., at the museum, 115 Northwest Boulevard; 664-3448.
Halloween Spooktacular Event – for all ages Saturday, 6:30-8:30 p.m., Priest Lake State Park, located 12 miles north of Coolin, Idaho; includes pumpkin painting, scary movie, costume parade with prizes and bobbing for apples; $4 parking fee; 443-2200.
Fall Young People’s Art Festival – for grades 1-6, Saturday, 9:30 a.m.-2:30 p.m., Moscow Junior High School; includes artist workshops and theater performance; fees range from $6.50-$13; to register, call 883-7036; signup forms available at Moscow Arts Commission office, 206 E. Third St.
Spooktacular Tower Trick-or-Treat at UI – Saturday, 5-8 p.m., Theophilus Tower Residence Hall at University of Idaho, Moscow; fun and games, plus trick-or-treat 11 floors throughout the hall; 885-6291.
Land-Use and Planning Process Workshops – Monday, 3:30-5 p.m., University of Idaho, 1000 W. Hubbard Ave., Suite 142, Coeur d’Alene; Kootenai Environmental Alliance, 667-9093.
Tubaween Concert – Monday, 8 p.m., University of Idaho Lionel Hampton School of Music Recital Hall, Moscow; $2; proceeds support tuba/euphonium studio events; 885-6231.
HEVN Ministries and Fellowship Inc. Annual Banquet – deadline for reservations is Tuesday, for the event on Friday, 6:30 p.m. at The Coeur d’Alene Inn, 414 Appleway, Coeur d’Alene; love offering accepted; to reserve, call 765-5856 or 664-4620.
Panhandle Nordic Ski and Snowshoe Club – meets Tuesday, 7 p.m. at the Fernan Ranger Station, 2502 E. Sherman Ave.; topic will be summary of summer activities; 762-1246.
Forestry Short Course – registration deadline is Tuesday, for the class that runs Nov. 7 to Dec. 12, 6:30-9:30 p.m., UI Coeur d’Alene Center, Room 142, 1000 W. Hubbard; $35; 446-1680.
Auditions for Brighton Beach Memoirs – Tuesday and Wednesday, 6;30 p.m. at Lake City Playhouse, 1320 E. Garden Ave.; need three men ages 14-20 and 35-50 and four women ages 12-20 and 35-50; one contemporary monologue suggested; show dates are in January; call 667-1323.
Logger Education to Advance Professionalism Course – Wednesday-Friday, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. at the UI Coeur d’Alene Center, room 142, 1000 W. Hubbard Ave.; early registration recommended, cost $75; call Chris at 446-1680 or Randy at 476-4434.
Healthy Eating with Diabetes three-part series – Wednesdays through , Oct. 26, Nov. 2 and Nov. 9, 6-8 p.m., University of Idaho Extension Office, 1000 W. Hubbard St., Coeur d’Alene; learn to manage diabetes through diet; $15; to register, call 446-1680.
Fall Session Storytime at Post Falls Library – ages 3-5, Wednesdays began 9/14 10:30-11 a.m.; ages 1-3, Thursdays, 10:30-10:50 a.m., 821 N. Spokane St.; 773-1506.