Rosemary Heine
Rosemary Heine has celebrated her 103rd birthday. She was born on July 24, 1903, in Belt, Mont. She has been a resident of Eastern Washington since 1918 and has made her home at Maplewood Gardens Retirement Home for the past 11 years.
Heine met her husband, Edward, at a dance in 1950. He died in 1957.
After high school, Heine worked as a secretary and then took the Civil Service exam. She then worked for the Field Service until she was stationed at Fairchild Air Force Base, where she was employed as an accountant.
Heine credits her longevity to eating proper foods and getting plenty of sleep. She says she’s in great shape except for her hearing.
Heine says that her most memorable moment in the past 103 years is when Neil Armstrong landed on the moon in 1969.
Heine has a nephew, Ron Wilson, and a great-niece, Theresa Marsh, both of Spokane.