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The Spokesman-Review Newspaper
Spokane, Washington  Est. May 19, 1883

Banjo blood- pressure treatment

Petting a puppy lowers blood pressure almost 50 percent.
 (Associated Press / The Spokesman-Review)
Dr. Stacie Bering Knight Ridder Tribune

In 1976 during his “Saturday Night Live” monologue, Steve Martin said, “You just can’t sing a depressing song when you’re playing the banjo.” He went on to try, and of course, it just can’t be done. The banjo is just a happy instrument.

We tend to think that in order to improve our health and well-being, we must make drastic and difficult changes in our lives. For the most part, that theory holds true. However, there are small, easy, fun things we could incorporate into our lives that have been scientifically proven to boost our health. Such as:

Petting a puppy lowers blood pressure almost 50 percent.

Watching fish swim lowers stress more than most types of meditation.

3. Singing a happy song makes you smile.

4. Getting a few minutes of natural sun (or buying a light box) elevates the depression-busting endorphin and seratonin levels in your body.

5. Laughing at a 30-minute sitcom or a favorite comedy film eases muscle tension, lowers blood pressure, strengthens the immune system, reduces stress hormone production, increases your ability to handle pain, and gives your lungs and abs an aerobic workout.

But then, you always knew laughter was the best medicine.

Add something new to your life today.

If you’ve been thinking about adopting a cat or dog from the local humane society, it’s the perfect time to sign the papers. If that’s too much of a commitment, try getting a colorful betta fish and placing him in a small bowl on your desk at work.

Or you can take in the latest flick from Ben Stiller or Adam Sandler tonight. Just choose one of the above, relax and be happy.

Scientific studies show that laughter, prayer, pets, meditation, massage, sunlight, singing, and fish tanks benefit our emotional and physical health.

You may not enjoy running or taking your blood-pressure pills, but what’s not to like about a good banjo pickin’ song or a warm puppy?

Change your natural environment to make your life better.