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Diet Web site offers motivation, recipes to help you lose weight

Knight Ridder Newspapers

If you’re looking for help with your New Year’s resolutions, try

We would have written it as diets bite, but they’re a necessary evil.

What you have here is the mother of all diet Web sites, offering motivation, recipes, menus, calorie counts, fad diet info, weight charts, health considerations, a teen dieting section, diet planners and a weight-loss program, all gratis.

The beauty of the thing is the common sense. Your last diet didn’t work because you wanted to eat more than you wanted to lose weight, Diet Bites says.

Or call Jared

Here’s another place to turn for healthy eating help: Jared, the man who lost 245 pounds eating Subway sandwiches, will make motivational and personalized taped calls to people who sign up for the service, to be offered through January. He also will provide live support through a random call list.

To pre-register, go to