Idaho Records
Police Blotter
Coeur d’Alene police
Erin Zumbaum reported Wednesday the $12,230 theft of jewelry and a safe containing cash and $130 damage to a window and door of her home on the 200 block of North First Street.
Edward Bruns, employee of Coeur d’Alene Inn, reported Wednesday the $3,252 theft of two DVD players, two microphones and a projector from the business at 506 W. Appleway.
Robert Cook reported Wednesday the $400 theft of cash from his home on the 1700 block of West Tullis Drive.
Shaun Skogrand reported Wednesday the $1,379 theft of compact discs and a wallet from his automobile parked at his home on the 1700 block of North Ninth Street.
Thomas Hendrix reported Wednesday the $410 theft of stereo equipment from his 1990 Ford Ranger pickup parked at his home on the 1700 block of East Mary Lane.
Kootenai County sheriff
Philip Coleman, owner of Coeur d’Alene Billiards, reported Tuesday the $400 theft of two CD players and a chop saw from two vehicles parked at the business at 10260 N. Taryne St.
Milton Jackson, Hayden, reported Wednesday the $300 theft of a bike from Honeysuckle Beach on Hayden Lake.
Constance Seymore, Cataldo, reported Wednesday the $600 theft of a dresser and antique ceramic crock from a home on the 22000 block of East Kings Street near Cataldo.
Piper Wimmer, Worley, reported Wednesday the $2,500 theft of a 1995 GMC Jimmy parked on the 22000 block of Cave Bay Road.
Jerry Balavage, Coeur d’Alene, reported Wednesday the $2,000 theft of a Briggs and Stratton industrial sawmill engine from property at Clagstone Road and state Highway 54 near Athol.
News of Record
Shoshone County
Criminal sentencings
Judge Dan McGee
Jefferson B. Whiteside, 41, Osburn; Count I: use or possession of drug paraphernalia with intent to use; $300 fine, five days in jail. Count II: possession of a controlled substance; $300 fine, five days in jail. Count III: driving under the influence (second offense); $2,000 fine ($1,000 suspended), one year in jail (155 days suspended), one year driver’s license suspension, two years probation. Count IV: driving without privileges; $1,000 fine, 180 days in jail (86 days suspended), 180 days driver’s license suspension, two years probation.
Curtis R. Kuykendall, 28, Kellogg; Count I: reckless driving; $500 fine, 180 days in jail. Count II: failure to stop at a damage accident/leave scene of an accident; $600 fine, 180 days in jail. Count III: failure to purchase driver’s license, $600 fine, 180 days in jail.
Matthew D. Pickett, 32, Missoula, Mont; driving without privileges; $300 fine, 30 days in jail.
David J. Hostein, 30, St. Maries; malicious injury to property; $300 fine, 180 days in jail (159 days suspended), two years probation.
Brian D. Hill, 31, St. Maries; malicious injury to property; $300 fine, 180 days in jail (159 days suspended), two years probation.
Billy W. Swallows, 39, Smelterville; violation of no contact order; $500 fine, 280 days in jail (100 days suspended), two years probation.
Calvin E. Allen, 30, Wallace; driving without privileges; $300 fine, 30 days in jail.
Eugene McFarland Jr., 65, Wallace; Count I: driving under the influence, $1,000 fine ($250 suspended), 180 days in jail (75 days suspended), 180 days driver’s license suspension, two years probation.
Civil complaints
Scott Samms v. Nathaniel Lunen, seeking an amount to be proved at trial.
North Idaho Credit Corp. v. Cory Sanders, seekiing $1,562.
Coeur d’Alene Adjustment Bureau v. Vicki and Jack Hurd, seeking $1,729.
Coeur d’Alene Adjustment Bureau v. Vicki and Jerry Hagen, seeking $5,211.
Coeur d’Alene Adjustment Bureau v. Daniel and Kathleen Harrison, seeking $1,023.
Coeur d’Alene Adjustment Bureau v. Jacie and Joseph Deyoung, seeking $4,443.
Civil dismissals
Shoshone Adjustment Bureau v. Paul Verrall.
Kootenai County
Criminal sentencings
Judge Patrick McFadden
James M. Murray, 21, Coeur d’Alene; misdemeanor probation violation; 10 days in jail or 80 hours county work program.
Judge Penny Friedlander
Cordella Benjamin-Cloud, 20, Bullhead, S.D.; pedestrian under the influence of drugs/alcohol; $300 fine (suspended), 180 days in jail (173 days suspended), two years probation.
Judge Charles Hosack
Nicholas W. Cox, 19, Post Falls; Count I: felony burglary; one year determinate penitentiary time, three years indeterminate penitentiary time, $450 reimbursement for defense. Count II: obstructing an officer; 90 days in jail.
Civil complaints
Portfolio Recovery Associates v. Ed Hammeren, seeking $2,354.
Gale Contractor Services Inc. v. Jordan International Trade & Contracting Inc., seeking $1,324.
Angela Barrett v. Danny Corbin, seeking $5,000.
North Idaho Title Insurance v. David Finley Sr., seeking an amount to be proved at trial.
Kenneth Beamer v. Daniel Williams and Gary Williams, seeking $1,400.
Peterson Enterprises Inc., dba Valley Empire Collection v. Misty Huggins and Ryan Epperson, seeking $1,283.
Coeur d’Alene Adjustment Bureau v. Earl Gewecke and Suzanne Gewecke, seeking $13,442.
Coeur d’Alene Adjustment Bureau v. Maggie Bailey and Denny Bailey, seeking $2,576.
Civil judgments
Idaho State Industrial Commission v. Shannon Page, Tommy Page and Elizabeth Page, dba Liberty Foods and GVC Limited and Del Taco, plaintiff awarded $7,350.
Idaho State Industrial Commission v. Kay-Lance LLC, dba One Eyes, Robert Simmons and Christian Voetberg, plaintiff awarded $7,675.
North Idaho Credit Corp. v. Samantha McCarthy, plaintiff awarded $1,259.
Walter Hancock v. Kenny Lohmeyer, plaintiff awarded $4,035.
Michael Harris v. Rex Stores Inc., plaintiff awarded $4,035.
Spokane Merchants Association v. Stanley Votava, plaintiff awarded $2,492.
Lumber Products v. Thomas Anderson, dba T.A. Door, plaintiff awarded $83,465.
ACS Inc. of Idaho v. Richard Johnson, plaintiff awarded $4,585.
Civil dismissals
Coeur d’Alene Adjustment Bureau v. Mark Boone and Patricia Boone.
Law Offices of Clayton Dickinson v. Gary Hite.
North Idaho Credit Corp. v. Karie Vanderhoof.
Order for change of name
Ruth Locena Gandy Boraten, order for change to Ruth Locena Gandy.
Divorces granted
Holly Reed from Barry Reed.
Monica Eastin from Curtis Eastin.