‘Fever’ will raise funds, eyebrows
First, you should know that the term “jungle fever” has some curious definitions in the Urban Dictionary. They include, among others: “an addiction to cocaine,” “a white person dating a person of color,” and “the beautiful romantic attraction of a white individual to a black individual.” The Urban Dictionary, a compilation of big-city slang terms, notes that Spike Lee made “Jungle Fever” into a 1991 movie starring “Wesley Snipes (as black as it gets) but it’s still an insult to use the word.” And Stevie Wonder sang: “I’ve got jungle fever/She’s got jungle fever/He’s got jungle fever/We’re in love!” So, why am I telling you all of this? I was wondering, which definition the EXCEL Foundation of the Coeur d’Alene School District was using when its leaders picked “Jungle Fever” as the theme for its big annual fundraiser Sept. 23?
Huckleberries Hears …
That Gus Johnson and Rick Currie of the Kootenai County Bored of Censors, er, Commissioners had words over the Gus-induced courthouse ban of my Huckleberries Online blog, after Rick opted out Tuesday. They weren’t speaking afterward. On Thursday, Commish Katie Brodie joined Rick and freedom of speech, and press broke out again in the courthouse … Dunno which term used by Gus to describe the blog to newsmeister Dick Haugen on KVNI radio Wednesday hurt most: “vulgar” and of “no social redeeming value.” But Gus swears he doesn’t read the blog … One thing Gus has failed to note in his public condemnation of edgy Huckleberries Online is that he was hardly subject to criticism until he censored the blog on Thursday, May 25. Then, my devilish photoshoppers went to work poking fun of the situation, with my blessing, of course … Bottom line? OK, I confess. I voted for Gus’ victorious opponent Todd Tondee. But I wasn’t the only one.
Quotable Quote
“Adam (Morrison) will be a very, very good scorer, but he won’t be a pure isolation guy like [Tracy] McGrady or Bryant,” said (Don) MacLean, who played for UCLA from 1988-92, was a second-team all-American in ‘92, and then played in the NBA from 1992-2001 for seven different teams. “They’ll run a lot of stuff for him but they won’t clear a side for him and say, ‘Get a score for us.’ They’ll run him off screens and he’ll find ways to get his shots. The one-legged runner is usually a terrible shot for most people, but for him it’s a good shot.” All this, according to ESPN.com columnist Andy Katz.
Poet’s Corner: “No archers in sight/no bowmen at hand/yet more arrows here/than Custer’s Last Stand” – The Bard of Sherman Avenue (“The Road Signs at Seltice and Hwy. 41”) … Since Whitefish, Mont., has no statutes against, uh, relieving yourself in public, columnist G. George Ostrom/Hungry Horse News reports, the cops recently had to charge immodest twentysomething femmes with disturbing the peace instead … Conservative flamethrower Laurie Roth is mounting a comeback, after being badly injured in a motorcycle accident. She’s now on Spokane station KSBN, which has a limited signal. But it’s a start.
Parting Shot
Poll results compiled by Post Falls Police Chief Cliff Hayes offer a clue re: how surprised Commish Johnson was to be defeated on Election Day. Participants were asked to pick vote percentages for various candidates, not simply who would win or lose. Johnson, the defending champion, would have been in the running again, if he hadn’t lost beaucoup points by picking himself to defeat challenger Todd Tondee, 56 percent to 44 percent. Tondee stomped Johnson 59 percent to 41 percent. State Rep. Frank Henderson, R-Post Falls, dethroned Johnson and topped a field of 17 to win the poll. All was not a loss for Johnson on Black Tuesday, however. Johnson easily won the GOP committee post for Precinct 34. Then, he was unopposed.