Statins can be helpful for some
Dear Dr. Gott: I am 5 feet 4 inches tall, 125 pounds and a 62-year-old female. My cholesterol is 243; triglycerides are 77, HDL is 72, and LDL is 156. I have started to eat leaner and exercise three times a week and take the omega-3 fish-oil capsules (twice daily). My doctor wants me on statins. What do you think?
Dear Reader: Your cholesterol level needs to be addressed because it is too high.
I agree with your approach of diet, exercise and omega-3 fish oil, which are safe and effective options in lowering cholesterol levels. I suggest that you try this combination and have a blood cholesterol test in four to six weeks. If your cholesterol remains high (above 200), you can always use statin drugs, which are expensive and can cause side effects, such as liver inflammation and muscle damage.
Work with your doctor to discover the best approach for you.
To give you related information, I am sending you a copy of my Health Report “Understanding Cholesterol.” Other readers who would like a copy should send a long, self-addressed, stamped envelope and $2 to Newsletter, P.O. Box 167, Wickliffe, OH 44092. Be sure to mention the title.