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The Spokesman-Review Newspaper
Spokane, Washington  Est. May 19, 1883

Compromise, you both win

Diane Verhoeven King Features Syndicate

Dear Diane: My wife, “Elaine,” has a problem with my having a few friends over on Sunday to watch football. I don’t see what the problem is. The season is only 16 weeks long — that’s 16 Sundays plus Super Bowl. Why can’t I have 17 days out of the year to enjoy in my house with my buddies? It’s not like I go out any other nights with them, even though they hit the bars or have poker nights.

How can I get Elaine to see things my way?

— Bears Fan in Chi-Town

Dear Bears Fan:

I’d like you to take a moment and put yourself in Elaine’s shoes. She’s probably looking forward to a quiet Sunday afternoon and instead is treated to a crowd of rowdy, beer-swilling guys bellowing “Da Bears!” every 20 seconds.

I think if you want to continue having your friends over, you need to make some kind of deal with Elaine. It is her house too, you know. Maybe in exchange for having your buddies over on Sunday, you take her out to dinner or dancing or to the movies (or whatever she likes to do) on Friday or Saturday night.

Just letting her know that you sympathize with her and are willing to do something for her may be all that needs to be done for Elaine to cut you a break. Go Bears!