Hints from Heloise
Dear Heloise: In a column, a reader was aggravated with answering machines that don’t let you know that you’ve reached the “Smith residence.” As a nurse in a family practice, I can agree that we are frequently frustrated when we call a number and aren’t sure who we’ve reached. Something I’ve found helpful and have shared with family and friends is leaving this message on the machine: “You have reached XXX-555-1212, please leave a message.” I can then leave a message saying: “This message is for John. If I have reached this number in error, please call me at …” Hope this will help others in leaving discreet messages. – A Reader, via e-mail
This can be troublesome! If you have left a message at the right number, all is well. If not, it might be asking a lot for the “wrong” person to call you, although I have called many times when someone has left a wrong message on our machine for someone else, especially when it’s a doctor’s office. – Heloise