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The Spokesman-Review Newspaper
Spokane, Washington  Est. May 19, 1883

Oh my, it’s almost back-to-school time

Consider these back-to-school tips from the American Academy of Pediatrics.
 ( / The Spokesman-Review)
Barbara Barontini King Features Syndicate

With summer winding down, children across the country are anticipating a return to school. But the transition back to a structured school day can be a challenge after months of summer fun.

Now is the time to prepare your kids for the new school year. Consider these back-to-school tips from the American Academy of Pediatrics before classes get under way.

“If your children are apprehensive about the first day of school, assure them that many of their classmates feel the same way, and that their teachers will ensure they are comfortable. Discuss the positive aspects of starting school, like reuniting with old friends and making new ones. You can also reminisce with your kids about fun first days in the past.

“A new school year means it’s time for school-supply shopping. When you’re purchasing a backpack, choose one with wide, padded shoulder straps and a padded back. To further eliminate muscle strain, make sure your child uses both shoulder straps. Better yet, consider a rolling backpack, which is particularly helpful for students carrying a heavy load.

“Also, take time to go over rules for your child’s transportation to and from school. If your kids ride the school bus, review basic safety rules like waiting for the bus to come to a complete stop, checking for traffic before crossing and remaining in clear view of the bus driver. For families that carpool, make sure that your children always wear seat belts, and restrict children under 13 to the backseat.

“Now is the perfect time to get back on schedule. If your kids have been staying up later and getting up later than their school-year schedule allows, start nudging bedtime to an earlier hour. Encourage your kids to get up earlier each day until they’re waking up at their usual school-day time for at least a week before the start of school. The new school year will start much more smoothly if you’re all well-rested and ready to head out the door before the bell rings.

“Finally, devise a meal plan for your child. While some children enjoy the cafeteria-provided lunch, picky eaters might prefer bringing a lunch from home. Try out some healthy lunch options now so that your kids can discover many meal options for the upcoming year.