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The Spokesman-Review Newspaper
Spokane, Washington  Est. May 19, 1883

PF council denies duplex homes plan

POST FALLS – The Post Falls City Council on Tuesday shot down a proposal that would enable construction of a high-density residential development north of Mullan Avenue and about 650-feet east of Syringa Street.

Kenneth Jackson, a Post Falls developer, wanted to build 12 duplex homes, for a total of 24 residential units on two acre. The property is sandwiched between more widely-spaced homesites with enough room for people to keep horses and other animals.

Many of the existing property owners told city planners at a July hearing they were opposed to the idea.

High-density “buildings are the last thing I would want to see on that small space,” Sheryl Serdahl, a homeowner near the acreage, wrote in a letter to Post Falls planners in July.

“At this time about 12 people live on the neighboring 10- to 15 acres,” Serdahl said.

Council members unanimously denied Jackson’s rezoning request, killing the development.

Councilman Scott Grant said he appreciates Jackson’s desire to provide more affordable housing but he and other council members said they believe the site was just too small and incompatible with surrounding land use.

Also at the meeting, Riverbend Commerce Park got the green light to add a 72-acre, fourth- phase addition to its light industrial and office park. The park sits on the west side of Pleasant View Road, about a half mile south of Riverbend Avenue and north of the Spokane River.