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Is your child a picky eater?

These tips can help you avoid a dinnertime battle with even the pickiest eater.
 ( / The Spokesman-Review)
Barbara Barontini King Features Syndicate

Busy schedules often make it difficult to whip up a healthy dinner every night, and if your child is a picky eater, developing healthy meals can be even more challenging.

With these tips from the American Heart Association, you can avoid a dinnertime battle with even the pickiest eater.

“First, try to add healthy elements into food your child already likes. Some healthy, kid-friendly treats include blueberry pancakes, carrot muffins or pieces of fruit over your child’s favorite cereal.

“Avoid unhealthy snacking with this simple tip — don’t buy unhealthy foods. If your pantry isn’t stocked with chips and cookies, your picky eaters could be more willing to try a healthier alternative, such as pieces of fruit or raw veggies.

“Another helpful tactic is to encourage younger picky eaters to “eat their colors.” Since food that is bland in color often lacks the nutrients of more colorful foods, this game is a great way to allow kids to eat healthily while having fun.

“Stick to some rules at dinnertime as well. First, don’t make your children eat everything on their plates; this rule simply encourages overeating. Second, keep dinner at the dinner table, not in front of the television. Eating in front of the TV is distracting, which could prevent children from recognizing when they’re full. Plus, dinner presents the perfect opportunity for quality family time.

“Don’t forget dessert. If you cut out sweets altogether, kids will likely overeat when they have access to sweets. A scoop of ice cream or a few Oreos won’t ruin anyone’s diet, and it’ll satisfy your picky eater’s sweet tooth.