Religion notebook
Workshop with Venerable Thubten Chodron – “Making Good Choices for a Good Life,” today, 1:30-3:30 p.m. in Molstead Library at North Idaho College, 1000 W. Garden Ave.; presented by American-born Tibetan Buddhist nun, Bhikshuni Thubten Chodron, also the founder of Buddhist monastic community in Newport, Wash.; 769-3300 or Richard Codding at
“Conspiracy of Betrayal” Easter Drama – today, 7 p.m. and Sunday, 3 p.m. at The Gathering Place at Lutheran Church of the Master, 4800 Ramsey Road.
The setting is the heavenly trial of Judas Iscariot with Satan as the prosecuting attorney and Gabriel as the presiding officer. The story takes a surprising twist when Jesus shows up as counsel for the defense. After questioning a series of witnesses, it is determined that any one of them could have been the one to betray Christ. A pre-selected jury of audience members determines the outcome.
Admission is by donation; call for information, 765-1002.
“The Chosen” Concert – Sunday, 10 a.m. at Prairie Avenue Christian Center, 3639 W. Prairie Ave., Coeur d’Alene.
The Chosen is a song and dance group comprised of six children 5-12 years old who are in the care of AIDS Orphans Education Trust-Uganda, an organization that provides an education to desperately poor, forgotten and neglected orphans from Uganda whose parents have died from AIDS.
For more information, call the center at 699-1142.
Community Blood Drive at RLM – Sunday, 8 a.m.-2 p.m. at Real Life Ministries, 1866 Cecil Road, Post Falls; the church also needs candy donations for its annual Easter egg hunt coming in April; 777-7325, ext. 105.
“Iraq, and now Iran! Is This Trip Necessary?” by Mike Kress – Sunday, 10:30 a.m. at Harding Family Center, 411 N. 15th St.; Kress is a Spokane resident and Air Force veteran who served two separate voluntary tours in Saudi Arabia and Kuwait; presented by the North Idaho Unitarian Universalist Church; 765-0716.
Senior Social at CUMC – Tuesday, noon at Community United Methodist Church, 1470 W. Hanley Ave.; speaker is Stacy Bishop from Petal Pushers on the topic of flowers and gardens; 765-8800.
Country Western Gospel Jubilee – Tuesday, 6:30 p.m. at Lake City Senior Center, 1916 Lakewood Drive; free entertainment by The Arenas, The Jubileers, The Parks and The Kleins and June; 765-8580.
High School Leadership Courses – Sundays, 9:30 a.m. at RLM1, Room 7 at Real Life Ministries, 1866 Cecil Road, Post Falls; 777-7325.
Kid Community - Sunday, 9:45-10:45 a.m. at Community United Methodist Church, 1470 W. Hanley; all new program includes “Live B.I.G.” (believe in God) for ages 4 to fifth grade; special activity time provided during both worship service hours at 8:30 and 11 a.m. for ages 7-10, nursery provided from 8:30 a..m. to noon for kids up to age 6; 765-8800.
Sunday Morning Adult ‘Tween Time - 9:45 a.m. and between worship services at Community United Methodist Church. 1470 W. Hanley Ave.; newcomers always welcome at adult Bible study; 765-8800.
Women’s Chronic Illness Bible Study Support Group – meets Mondays, 2-3:30 p.m. in RLM2, Room 6 at Real Life Ministries, 1866 Cecil Road, Post Falls; contact Pat Miller at 666-1013.
“Showers of Blessings” with Ruth McHaney Danner – next Saturday, noon at Presbyterian Church Family Center, 521 E. Lakeside Ave.; Presbyterian Women present the author, speaker and quilter; tickets available at worship services or at the church office for a suggested donation of $10, proceeds benefit the church Scholarship Fund; 667-8446 or 664-4328.
Palm/Passion Sunday at LCM – April, worship at 8:30 and 11 a.m., Cantata choir performance of “Palms, Passions and Alleluia’s”; call for information, 765-1002.
Cedar Hill Performance at Country Western Gospel Jubilee – April 3 at 6:30 p.m. at Lake City Senior Center, 1916 Lakewood Drive; free will offering; 765-8580.
Palm Sunday Service – Celebration of his triumphal entry, April 1, 8:40 and 10:40 a.m. at His Place Church, 3079 E. 16th Ave., Post Falls; 777-9654.
Good Friday Service – April 6, noon and 4 p.m. in the Multipurpose Room, and 7 p.m. in the auditorium at His Place Church, 3079 E. 16th Ave., Post Falls; 777-9654.
Easter Egg Hunt and Breakfast at CUMC – April 8, 9:45 a.m. at Community United Methodist Church, 1470 W. Hanley Ave.; breakfast served all morning; 765-8800.
“He is Risen” -Easter Service at His Place Church – April 8, 8:40 and 10:40 a.m. at the church, 3079 E. 16th Ave., Post Falls; 777-9654.