Bulletin board
Advanced Insulin Pump Skills – A free workshop for diabetes patients, 6-7:30 p.m. at Holy Family Health Education Center, 5633 N. Lidgerwood. Call (509) 232-8138 to register.
New Listings
Addiction – The Greater Spokane Substance Abuse Council is hosting free viewings of the HBO documentary “Addiction,” Wednesday at 10 a.m. and 7 p.m. at the Garland Theater, 924 W. Garland. There will also be information available on treatment and recovery groups in the area. Call (509) 922-8383 for more information.
Dystonia Support Group – The groups hosts a discussion on physical therapy and Dystonia, Saturday from 1:30-3 p.m. at St. Luke’s Rehabilitation Institute, 711 S. Cowley. Call (509) 891-9131.
Baby Kneads – Learn infant massage Mondays in June from 6:30-8 p.m. in the Peaceful Place at the Women’s Health Center of Sacred Heart Medical Center, 101 W. Eighth Ave. The cost is $80. Registration is required. For more information, call (509) 474-2400.
Help for Migraines – A free discussion that includes lunch, next Tuesday from noon-1 p.m. at the Sacred Heart Providence Auditorium, 20 W. Ninth. Registration is required. Call (509) 232-8138.
HealthTalks – The latest free education forum is on Prostate Cancer presented by Dr. Brad Nelson, June 6 at 7 p.m. at Rockwood Clinic, 400 E. Fifth. Seating is limited. Call (509) 755-6570 to register.
Other programs
Adult Day Center – Holy Family Adult Day Centers offer structured programs designed to meet the needs of physically, mentally and functionally impaired adults and elderly by providing social services, nursing, rehabilitation, therapeutic recreation and a hot meal at noon. Two locations: 4827 S. Palouse Highway and 6018 N. Astor. Call (509) 482-2475.
Alzheimer’s Association Helpline – In Spokane, call (509) 473-3390, or 24-hour help line, (800) 272-3900; Coeur d’Alene, call (208) 666-2996 or (800) 256-6659. Available Monday-Friday, 9 a.m.-5 p.m.
Anger Management for Men – Ongoing six-week men’s group, Wednesdays, 5-6:30 p.m., St. Joseph Family Center, 1016 N. Superior. Cost: $15/session; for information, call (509) 483-6495.
Bereavement Support Groups – Hospice of Spokane offers various support groups. Spouse Grief, Wednesdays, 1:15-2:15 p.m., for those who have lost a spouse through death. General Grief, Mondays, 6-7 p.m., for those who have lost anyone through death. Life After Loss group, call for more information and registration. Call the Hospice of Spokane Bereavement Department at (509) 456-0438.
Bereaved Parents of the USA, Coeur d’Alene – Meets the third Thursday of every month at St. Pius X Church, Room 3, 625 E. Haycraft Road. Contact (208) 765-1705.
Bipolar Support Group – Meets on the third Monday of the month, 6:30-8 p.m. at the Deaconess Health and Education center, 910 W. Fifth. For more information, call the National Alliance on Mental Illness at (509) 838-5515.
Bone Density and Blood Pressure Screenings – Deaconess Medical Center, 800 W. Fifth Ave., is offering these screenings every Monday and Thursday from 9 a.m.-noon. Free. Call (509) 473-2194.
Breast and Cervical Health Program – provides eligible women with free health exams and mammograms sponsored by Spokane Regional Health District. Call (509) 324-1498.
Cardiovascular Health Risk Assessment – The Sacred Heart Women’s Health Center presents Heart-to-Heart, a program to help you find out your risk for cardiovascular disease. Appointments are available Monday through Friday from 8 a.m.-5:30 p.m. at 101 W. Eighth Ave. The cost of this screening includes several tests, educational materials and follow-up is $60. Tests can also be ordered separately. To make an appointment, call (509) 474-2400.
Children’s Environmental Health Network – Web site offers information on organizations active in various fields, sources of data on child health and environmental hazards and more, www.cehn.org or call (202) 543-4033, e-mail at cehn@cehn.org.
Conservative Care Consultation – Surgery should be your last resort for back or neck problems and carpal tunnel syndrome. Utilize this free opportunity to find out if there is a nonsurgical alternative to your problem. Call Mark Guthrie, at (509) 327-8188.
Corbin Senior Activity Center Senior Services – Classes and groups for mental, emotional and physical health. The center also offers events and tours. Call (509) 327-1584 for listings.
CPR, First Aid and Automated External Defibrillator Classes – Offered by the American Red Cross. Check the Web site for class schedules. Inland Northwest Chapter, 315 W. Nora. Cost is $38, call (509) 326-3330 ext. 216, or go to www.spokaneredcross.org. Other classes include blood borne pathogens, HIV education, pet first aid, disaster preparedness and babysitting training.
Depression Screenings – offered by Vista Consulting Services, 607 S. Government Way, Spokane. Free. Call (509) 456-2190.
Diabetes Education – Community Health Education and Resources offers group or individual instruction on diabetes self-management. Course is for clients and their families who are new to diabetes. Call (509) 232-8145 for class times, dates and locations.
Diabetes Education – Workshop offered through Group Health for those who deal with the needs of those with diabetes. For a list of dates and times, call (509) 459-1086 or go to www.ghc.org.
Divine Health – Word of Faith Christian Center is offering a weekly class on how to live in divine health,Sundays at 10 a.m. at the Word of Faith Christian Center 4001 N. Cook. Call (509) 891-5253.
Dirne Community Health Center – Is a federally qualified community health center. It is accepting new patients regardless of their ability to pay, and offering mental health services. Located at 1106 W. Ironwood Drive, Coeur d’Alene. For more information or to make an appointment, call the center at (208) 292-0292.
Families Supporting Families – Meets the second and fourth Wednesday of every month for families of those with eating disorders. The group meets from 6:30-7:30 p.m. in the Mary Bede Room of Sacred Heart Medical Center, 101 W. Eighth Ave. For more information, call Maureen Reynolds at (509) 456-0567.
First Aid/CPR Classes – Pediatric CPR refresher class and a new student class are held the third Wednesday of each month in Spokane. An adult CPR refresher class and a new student class are held on the first Wednesday of each month in Spokane. Registration is required. For more information, location and times, call Rick Bennett at (509) 979-0849, e-mail nwss2@hotmail.com, or visit www.northwestsafetyservices.com.
FUNctional Fitness Class – U-District Physical Therapy is offering a specialized conditioning class for active people of all levels and ages. This class follows a circuit-training style and focuses on dynamic flexibility, agility, functional lower body strength, balance and total body conditioning. There are three sessions: Tuesdays and Thursdays from 7-8 a.m. or 6-7 p.m., or Mondays and Wednesdays from 6-7 p.m. at U-District Physical Therapy, 125 S. Cowley. Cost is $50 per month. Call (509) 458-7686 to sign up.
Health for All – This community-based healthcare access project links uninsured individuals and families in Eastern Washington with state health insurance programs and assists those who do not qualify for state-sponsored coverage by linking them with appropriate community resources. Call (866) 444-3066; in Spokane County, call (509) 444-3066.
Inland Northwest Hypnosis practice group – This group is for those with training and/or education in hypnosis to practice skills and research theories. It meets at 6:30 p.m. on the last Thursday of each month at 696 Ithaca St., Post Falls. Contact (208) 457-8580 for more information.
Living Well with Chronic Conditions – A five-week workshop through Group Health Cooperative that deals with the needs of those with chronic health problems. For a list of dates and times, call (800) 992-2279 or visit www.ghc.org.
Master Home Environmentalist Program – The American Lung Association of Washington is offering trained volunteers to offer solutions for indoor environmental health problems in your home. To schedule an appointment, call (509) 325-6516 or e-mail cthompson@alaw.org.
Metaphysical Research Society – First Thursday of each month, 7:30 p.m., (509) 838-8155.
Polio Outreach of Spokane – For information about post-polio syndrome, call Sharman Collins, (509) 448-8517, or e-mail sharmanrcollins@msn.com.
Power Wheelchairs Available – Miracle on Wheels for nonambulatory senior citizens 65 years and older, also available to the permanently disabled of any age. Call (800) 749-8778 or go to www.durablemedical.com.
Sole Sessions Reflexology – These individual foot and hand sessions will work to improve circulation, relieve tension and more with certified reflexologist Linda Bussard at St. Joseph’s Family Center, in the Francis Building, 1016 N. Superior. To schedule an appointment call (509) 998-1062.
Speech, Language and Hearing Screenings – WSU Spokane’s Speech and Hearing Clinic, Health Sciences Building, 310 N. Riverpoint Blvd. Open to children and adults. Appointments necessary. Call (509) 358-7580.