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The Spokesman-Review Newspaper
Spokane, Washington  Est. May 19, 1883

Idaho Records

The Spokesman-Review

Police blotter

Coeur d’Alene police

Erick Morris reported Sunday the $468 theft of a paintball gun and accessories, cleats and quarters from his home on the 700 block of W. River Ave.

Kootenai County sheriff

Barbara Regan, Post Falls, reported Sunday $1,100 damage to a door and side panel of her 1990 Chevrolet pickup parked at the intersection of U.S. Forest Service Roads 1552 and 206 near Hayden.

William Schmitt, Lynnwood, Wash., reported Friday the $400 theft of a hail of aluminum scrap metal from his property on the 1600 block of E. Horsehaven Avenue.

Stewart Kuespert, Hayden, reported Thursday the $2,640 theft of golf equipment from his condominium on the 8200 block of N. Ridge Wood Drive in Hayden.

Richard Waller, Rathdrum, reported Friday the $400 theft of cash by deception when advertising services were paid for and never received.

News of record

Kootenai County

Criminal sentencings

Judge Fred Gibler

Miles M. Ellis, 22, Hayden; use or possession of drug paraphernalia with intent to use; $500 fine ($250 suspended), 90 days in jail (86 days suspended) or 16 hours county work program, two years probation.

Troy E. Smith, 26, Spokane Valley, Wash.; Count I: battery; 180 days in jail (140 days suspended), 30 days unscheduled jail time, two years probation. Count II: battery; $500 fine ($250 suspended), 180 days in jail (140 days suspended), 30 days unscheduled jail time, two years probation.

Civil complaints

John Waco Sr. v. Boyd Hand, seeking $4,300.

Chapman Financial Services Inc. v. Richard Conrad and Hope Conrad, seeking $1,127.

Chapman Financial Services Inc. v. Jim Felts and Brandi Felts, seeking $1,132.

Chapman Financial Services Inc. v. Margaret Campbell and Donald Campbell, seeking $4,243.

Ruen-Yeager and Associates Inc. v. HST Group LLC, Owens Mortgage Investment Fund, seeking an amount to be proved at trial.

Lonestar Chemical v. Global Mold Inc., seeking $27,733.

Craig Groth v. Nationwide Assurance Co., dba Allied Insurance, seeking an amount to be proved at trial.

Chapman Financial Services Inc. v. Marjorie McElver, seeking $1,747.

Civil judgments

Chapman Financial Services Inc. v. George Ribble, plaintiff awarded $2,145.

Peterson Enterprises Inc., dba Valley Empire Collection v. Deborah Good, plaintiff awarded $1,714.

CBS Collections Inc. v. Jennifer Smith, plaintiff awarded $2,053.

Chapman Financial Services Inc. v. Dana Ortega, plaintiff awarded $1,332.

CBS Collections Inc. v. Bill Pigg, plaintiff awarded $4,842.

Bonneville Billing and Collections Inc. v. Steven Galles and Cassie Galles, plaintiff awarded $8,900.

Petition for change of name

Jamie Rae McGinnis, petition for change to Jamie Raye McGinnis-Green.

Divorces sought

Jennifer Massey-Delgadillo from Luis Delgadillo.

Alaina Stensland from Tyler Stensland.

Christopher Stein from Monique Faux-Stein.

Rachel Miller from Ronald Miller.

Divorces granted

Misty Tempest from Christopher Tempest.