Spokane Clubs
New listings
AARP Chapter 384 – Meets the fourth Tuesday of every month, 11:30 a.m., The Old Country Buffet, 5504 N. Division St. Anyone over 50 years is welcome to attend. Contact Lynnette Rice (509) 747-6626.
The Downtown Exchange Club – Meets Thursdays at noon at Luigi’s Italian Restaurant, 245 W. Main Ave. For more information, call (509) 448-9046.
Inland Empire Car Club Council – Meets the last Tuesday of the month, 7 p.m., Casey’s Bar and Grill, 2126 N. Monroe St. For more information, call Duane at (509) 209-3479.
Inland Empire Coin Club – Meets the first Monday of the month, 7 p.m., Veterans of Foreign Wars Hall, 300 W. Mission Ave. Call Gene at (509) 484-1299 for more information.
Inland Northwest Mini Car Club – Meets the second Thursday of each month at 6 p.m., at Conley’s Place Restaurant, 12618 E. Sprague Ave., Spokane Valley. E-mail inlandnwminis@hotmail.com for more information.
Northwest Fords Unlimited Car Club – Meets the second Wednesday of the month, 7 p.m., in the banquet room at The Maxwell House Restaurant, 1425 N. Ash St. Call (509) 924-8454 for more information.
Spokane Model T Club – Meets the first Friday of the month, 7:30 p.m., Opportunity Presbyterian Church, 202 N. Pines Road. For more information, call (509) 455-8997.
American Institute of Parliamentarians – For persons interested in parliamentary procedure, meets the third Thursday of the month, 5:30 p.m., Casey’s Bar and Grill, 2126 N. Monroe St. Call (509) 328-8828.
Catholic Daughters of the Americas – Meets the third Tuesday of the month at 11 a.m., September through June, and 5:30 p.m. in May, Knights of Columbus Hall, 302 E. Boone Ave.; guests of members are welcome. Call (509) 487-4707 or e-mail auntie2kkd@hotmail.com.
Catholic Daughters of the Americas – Court Madonna of the Valley No. 2556 meets the second Wednesday of the month at 9 a.m., except for in April, May, and June, meetings are at 6:30 p.m., St. John Vianney Church, 503 N. Walnut Road. Call Stephanie at (509) 922-2411 or Hilda at (509) 924-4299.
Colonial Dames of the XVII Century – For more information, call Irene, (509) 928-2566.
Daughters of the American Revolution, Jonas Babcock Chapter – Meets the second Saturday of the month, 10:30 a.m. meet and greet, 11 a.m. meeting, Sons of Norway, 6710 N. County Homes Blvd.; (509) 838-0373.
Daughters of the American Revolution, Esther Reed Chapter – Meets the second Saturday of the month, September through June at St. John’s Cathedral, 127 E. 12th Ave., 9:30 a.m.; (509) 838-1502.
Daughters of the American Revolution, May Hutton Chapter – Meets the first Saturday morning of the month for breakfast, October through June; Contact Janelle Braithwait at (509) 928-4790.
Daughters of Union Veterans Civil War 1861-1865 – Lizbeth Turner Tent No. 4, meets the third Monday of the month; (509) 928-2566 or (509) 466-8006.
Democracy for America – Meets the second Sunday of the month, 4-6 p.m., Bethany Presbyterian Church, 301 S. Freya St.; visit the Web at www.democracyforamerica.com.
Educating A Generation of Leaders Equipped for Service (EAGLES) Homeschool Group – A Christian group for those interested in home education; contact Bev Miller, (509) 448-2685.
Inland Northwest Chapter of Germans From Russia Heritage Society – Meets once a month. Includes genealogy research meetings; call (509) 467-7572, (509) 926-6951 or (509) 464-1666.
Jane Jefferson Democrats – Meets the second Wednesday of the month, 11:30 a.m. at The Old Country Buffet, 5504 N. Division St.; contact Irene, (509) 535-0171.
Magyar Klub – Meets once a month. Members can be first- or second-generation Hungarian; for dates, times and locations, call (509) 226-7674.
Metaphysical Research Society – Meets the first Thursday of the month at 7:30 p.m.; (509) 838-8155.
North Idaho College Booster Club – Meets the second Tuesday of the month at noon at the Outback Steakhouse Restaurant, 1381 W. Northwood Center Ct., Coeur D, Alene, and at Coeur d’Alene Resort’s Shore Lounge on the last Tuesday of the month. Call (208) 769-3348.
Spokane Storytelling League – Meets the second Tuesday of the month, 7:30 p.m., Corbin Senior Activity Center, 827 W. Cleveland Ave.; (509) 466-1584 or (509) 328-0538.
Vasa Order of America – Meets the third Saturday of each month at noon at Mission Community Presbyterian Church, 2103 E. Mission Ave. Call Tressia Anderson at (509) 489-8394.
Washington Native Plant Society, Northeast Chapter – Meets the fourth Tuesday of the month in the meeting room east of the Manito Park greenhouses; (509) 928-8702.
Women of Rotary – Meets the first Thursday of the month at noon; (509) 747-1206.
Carousels – Meets the first and third Saturdays of the month at 7:30 p.m. Donation of $10 accepted at the door. Contact Richard Snyder at (509) 443-0126.
Dancing Shadows – Meets the third Friday of the month, September through May at the Western Dance Center, 1901 N. Sullivan Road. Pre-rounds, 7:30-8 p.m., ROM, 8-8:30 p.m. and mainstream, 8:30-11 p.m.; $3.50 donation is accepted; contact Sharon or Ed Perrigo, (509) 535-2848.
Hits ‘n’ Misses – Meets the fourth Friday of the month, September thorugh July, Western Dance Center, 1901 N. Sullivan Road. Rounds, 7 p.m., ROM, 7:30 p.m., and mainstream from 8-10:30 p.m.; $3.50 donation will be accepted; contact Mabel Horrocks, (509) 238-6638.
Krazy 8’s – Meets the first Friday of the month, 7:30 p.m., Western Dance Center, 1901 N. Sullivan Road; contact Darlene or Gerry Ruhling, (509) 489-0817.
Model T Square Dance Club – Square dance workshops will be held the first and third Wednesdays during the summer, beginning June 4, at 7 p.m., North Spokane Dance Center, 7424 N. Freya St. Cost is $3 per session. Call (509) 276-6460 or (509) 326-0602 for more information.