Complete listings at
Festivals/ Fairs
The Big Event Bridal Fair:
Visit with professional wedding exhibitors. Saturday. 10 a.m.-3 p.m., SEL Event Center, 1825 Schweitzer Drive, Pullman. Free admission. (509) 334-5050.
Lecture /Seminar
“Bretz’s Flood” Virtual Field Trip:
The Ice Age Floods Institute - Sandpoint Chapter is hosting a program presentation by John Soennichsen, author of “Bretz’s Flood: The Remarkable Story of a Rebel Geologist and the World’s Greatest Flood.” The program will be a slide presentation chronicling the life of J Harlan Bretz through archival photos, maps, drawings, and a virtual journey through the Channeled Scablands of eastern Washington, a region characterized by countless channels, massive dry waterfalls, isolated buttes, and towering walls of columnar basalt. Today , 7 p.m., at 109 Main Street in downtown Sandpoint; and Saturday, 2 p.m., at the Bonner County Historical Museum, 611 S. Ella (in Lakeview Park) in Sandpoint. Free. (208) 265-8883.
“Imagine Tomorrow - Today”:
Music, multimedia, keynote speaker, Sandpoint Transition Initiative. Friday. 7:30 p.m., Panida Theater, 300 N. First Ave., Sandpoint. $5. (208) 263-9191.
“Peaceful Means in a not so Peaceful World”:
By Venerable Thubten Chodron, founder of the Buddhist Monastic in Newport. Hosted by American Association of University Women. Reservations required. Saturday. 10 a.m., Gonzaga University, WA/CA room in the COG, 502 E. Boone Ave. $17/lunch. (509) 487-1080.
“Winter Birding Opportunities in North Idaho”:
Presented by the WREN Foundation. For all ages. Enjoy learning about birds that live in North Idaho during the winter. Please park on the west side of City Hall and use the lower library entrance. Saturday. 1-2 p.m., Coeur d’Alene Public Library, 702 E. Front Ave., Coeur d’Alene. Free. (208) 664-4739.
55 Alive Safe Driving Class:
Call Connie to register or for information. Monday. Post Falls Senior Center, 1215 E. Third Ave. (208) 667-4900.
Engineers Forum of Spokane:
“Spokane River Gorge,” by Travis Nichols, Friends of the Falls. Validated parking at the Diamond lot a half block north. Lunch served at noon, program begins at 12:30 p.m. Monday. Steam Plant Grill, 159 S. Lincoln St. $15/lunch, not required to attend; no charge for coffee. (509) 244-3467.
Finally Home! Class:
Two-day session is designed to help address the many issues facing home buyers. Call or go online to register. Monday. 5:30-9:30 p.m., NIC Workforce Training Center, 525 W. Clearwater Loop, Post Falls. $10. (208) 769-3333.
Ray of Light Project:
Celebrating Cultural Awareness Week. Students who worked in Mozambique last summer as part of the Ray of Light Project will share stories and photos from their trip. Other students and faculty members also will share their experiences from their mission trips to Africa. The Ray of Light Project focuses on providing food and Christian education to children, and on helping hospitals, schools, AIDS victims and orphans whose parents have died from AIDS. Monday. 7-9 p.m., Whitworth University, Hixson Union Building multipurpose room. (509) 777-4790.
Union Gospel Mission Ladies Auxiliary:
Program with director Randy Altmeyer and testimony from men on transition phases coming and after leaving the mission. Monday. 1 p.m., Mission Chapel, 1224 E. Trent Ave. (509) 926-9902.
“The Great Divide: U.S. Policy and the Effects on Indigenous People”:
The 700-mile border fence between Mexico and the U.S. raises questions about purposeful divisions created between indigenous people. Angelique EagleWoman (Wambdi A. WasteWin), associate professor of Law in the university’s College of Law, will address those concerns in the UI’s Ninth Annual Distinguished American Indian Speaker’s Series. Tuesday. 6 p.m., University of Idaho Law School Courtroom, Moscow. (208) 885-7251.
“Ideas for a Vibrant Spokane Economy”:
Spokane City Forum luncheon with Spokane Mayor Mary Verner. Childcare available by reservation at $4 per child. Wednesday. 11:45 a.m.-1 p.m., Spokane First Presbyterian Church, 318 S. Cedar St. $10/general, $5 for students, includes lunch. (509) 777-1555.
“A Conservative Writing in a Liberal Industry”: By Debra J. Saunders, columnist for the San Francisco Chronicle. Presented by Spokane College Women’s Association. Reservations needed by today. Wednesday. Noon-1:30 p.m. Red Lion River Inn, 700 N. Division St. $16, includes lunch. (509) 368-0695.
“Practicing Hope”:
Philosophy Professor Rose Mary Volbrecht and Patricia Terry, associate dean of the College of Arts and Sciences, will speak as part of the Inspired to Learn: 2008-09 Lecture Series. Begins with a reception followed by a lecture and discussion. Wednesday. 6:30 p.m., Gonzaga University, Jepson Center’s Wolff Auditorium. Free. (509) 323-5991.
American Indian Student Development Conference:
Hosted by The University of Idaho’s Native American Student Center. Entitled “Balancing ‘New’ Knowledge with Cultural Wisdom,” the conference will encourage dialogue about current and future methods of Native American student support structures across the country, and address new culturally relevant strategies and models for support for Native American students. Wednesday - Thursday. 8 a.m., University of Idaho, Student Union Building, at 709 Deakin Ave., Moscow. $50. (208) 885-7251.
Inland NW Writers Guild:
“Writing Resources: The Internet - Friend or Foe?” Join with other aspiring and accomplished writers to give and get feedback, contacts and active listening skills. Wednesday. 6:30 p.m., Auntie’s Bookstore, Liberty Cafe, 402 W. Main Ave. Free. (509) 838-0206.
“How Women Won the Vote: The Perspective from the (North)West”:
Professor Ellen Carol DuBois’ expertise is the history of U.S. women with a focus on political history. Her specialty is the history of the suffrage movement in the United States and American feminism. Thursday. 7 p.m., Northwest Museum of Arts and Culture, Eric A. Johnston Auditorium, 2316 W. First Ave. Admission is free to teachers and students. (509) 789-3524.
From the 19th Amendment to 2008:
This Ambiguities of Women in Politics. Professor Ellen Carol Dubois presents the history of the suffrage movement in the U.S. and American feminism. Presented by EWU Women’s Studies Center Programs. Thursday. Noon-12:50 p.m., Eastern Washington University, Monroe Hall, room 205, Cheney. Free. (509) 359-2366.
Managing Difficult Conversations at Work: The Elephant in the Room:
Learn a pragmatic approach from Laura Asbell, PhD Psychologist and Lunell Haught, PhD Certified Management Consultant. Thursday. 7:15-8:45 a.m., 1108 W. Riverside Ave. $25/general, or $9/college/university students, includes breakfast. (509) 313-3572.
Mental Fitness and Aging:
With instructor Sue Crowley. Thursday. 1-3 p.m., Bee Hive Homes of Pinehurst, Pinehurst. Free. (208) 783-4003.
North Fork Coeur d’Alene River Watershed Advisory Group:
Topic is grant awards, sediment review and natural background conditions. Thursday. 1-4 p.m., U.S. Forest Service Building, 173 Commerce Drive, Smelterville. Free. (208) 666-4613.
Union Gospel Camp for Kids:
Will be discussed at East Spokane Kiwanis Club. Thursday. Noon. Season Ticket, Howard Street at Boone Avenue (across from Spokane Arena). (509) 241-7123.
“Living with Birds of Prey” by Jane Cantwell:
Live birds will be on hand for the presentation sponsored by the Coeur d’Alene Audubon Chapter. Includes raffle and silent auction. Nov. 21. 7-9 p.m., First Presbyterian Church, 521 E. Lakeside Ave., Coeur d’Alene. Free. (208) 765-2603.
Things to do
The Giving Spree at Spokane Area Malls:
Shoppers can log on to and donate to Habitat for Humanity or a local charity of their choice. In turn, with a minimum $5 donation, they will receive exceptional discounts and offers that can be used at Northtown Mall and Spokane Valley Mall on Saturday. Northtown Mall and Spokane Valley Mall. (312) 729-4351.
Riverfront Park Ice Palace:
Ice skating outdoors. Mondays-Thursdays, 11 a.m.-5 p.m. and 7-8:30 p.m.; Fridays, Saturdays and nights before holidays, 11 a.m.-5 p.m. and 7-10 p.m.; Sundays, 11 a.m.-5 p.m. Riverfront Park. $4.25/adults; $3.25/children ages 3-17 seniors and military; $3/skate rental. (509) 625-6601.
Career Development Week at NIC:
The North Idaho College Career Center will host a week-long open house offering free on-the-spot career assessments, the opportunity to try the new Idaho Career Information System, free copies of Job Choices magazine, giveaways and refreshments. Monday-Thursday, 7:30 a.m.-5 p.m., and Friday, 7:30 a.m.-2:30 p.m. Sponsored by Spokane Teachers Credit Union. Runs through today. Edminster Student Union Building, Coeur d’Alene. Free admission. (208) 769-3297.
20th Annual Jubilee International Marketplace:
Today, 10 a.m.-8 p.m. and Saturday, 9 a.m.-4 p.m. First Presbyterian Church, 318 S. Cedar St. (509) 328-3237.
Christmas Memories:
Holiday marketplace presented by Events West. Today, 10 a.m.-9 p.m., Saturday, 10 a.m.-6 p.m., and Sunday, 11 a.m.-5 p.m. Kootenai County Fairgrounds, Coeur d’Alene. $5/good for entire weekend, free/children age 12 and younger. (509) 627-1854.
DAV Handmade Gift and Bake Sale:
Today, noon-5 p.m., Saturday, 9 a.m.-5 p.m., and Saturday, 10 a.m.-4 p.m. 3911 N. Madison St. (509) 325-1720.
Second Annual Holiday Sale:
Spokane Pottery Guild presents a large assortment of handcrafted pottery items on sale including ornaments and holiday items. Benefits this non-profit organization. Today. 4-8 p.m., 1404 N. Fiske St., diagonal to SCC.
Snowflake Gala:
All Saints Catholic School will transform the casino into a winter wonderland for their annual auction. Sit down meal with silent and live auctions and dancing. Age 21 and older only. Today. 5:30 p.m., Northern Quest Casino, 100 N. Hayford Road, Airway Heights. $35. (509) 534-1098, ext. 238.
Spaghetti Dinner:
Hosted by the Elks Lodge. Today. 5:30-7 p.m., 2605 N. Robie Road. $5. (509) 926-2328.
Spokane Cork & Keg Festival:
This Washington Restaurant Association event features over 100 wines and 30 microbreweries for tasting, great hors d’oeuvres by the Inland Northwest Culinary Academy, a discount wine store, and live music by the Martini Brothers. Check out their website at for ticket outlet locations. Today. 7-10 p.m., Mirabeau Park Hotel, 1100 N. Sullivan Road, Spokane Valley. $40. (509) 467-7744.
Students for Safety Fundraising Dinner:
Part of a student-initiated campaign targeted at improving safety on campus, with a specific focus on the College Hill area. Keynote speaker is Dr. Elson S. Floyd. The Associated Students of Washington State University’s goal is to raise $100,000 to allocate towards safety on campus by the end of spring semester 2009. The main four areas the funds would aid are: Lighting on College Hill, ASWSU’s “Safewalk” Program, Safety Kiosks on campus and a Self Defense and Personal Safety program. Today. 6 p.m., Washington State University, Compton Union Ballroom, Senior Ballroom, Pullman. $40/students, $80/general. (509) 793-4798.
The Revolve Tour: All Access Event for Teen Girls:
A fun, fast-paced, action-packed time when teens pile into an arena to hear about how much God loves them. Registration requested. Today, 5-10 p.m., and Saturday, 9 a.m.-4 p.m. Spokane Arena, 720 W. Mallon Ave. $74/person, $8/box lunch. (877) 9-REVOLVE.
Quality arts and crafts featuring over 45 women artists from around the Pacific Northwest region. Includes jewelry, handmade cards and prints, beadwork, fiber art, pottery, stained glass, candles, soaps, hand-blown glass, handmade paper journals, quilts, and more. Homemade food available for purchase. Live instrumental holiday music will be provided by local musicians. All WomensWorks artists also donate a percentage of their sales proceeds to support UI Women’s Center scholarships. Runs through Saturday. 10 a.m.-6 p.m., University of Idaho, Student Union Ballroom, corner of Sixth and Deakin, Moscow. Admission by donation. (208) 885-6616.
“Toasting & Tasting” Wine Tasting and Auction:
12 local vintners who will talk about their wine and answer your questions. Outstanding hors d’oeuvres, yummy chocolate and lively music. Proceeds benefit local community outreach through silent and live auctions. Saturday. 7-9:30 p.m., St. Stephen’s Episcopal Church, 5720 S. Perry St.. $30, includes food and wine. (509) 448-2255.
3rd Annual Holiday Fair:
Hosted by South Side Senior Center and the Lincoln Heights Neighborhood Council. Saturday. 9 a.m.-4 p.m., at the senior center, 3151 E. 27th Ave. (509) 688-7703.
80th Annual Holiday Bazaar:
Lunch served 11 a.m.-1 p.m. Offerings will include homemade crafts and treats, books, candles, champagne mustard, holiday decorations and more. Tours of the cathedral will be offered. Gift wrapping will be available. The new bookstore and gift shop will be open. Day care will be available. Saturday. 9:30 a.m.-3:30 p.m., St John’s Cathedral, 127 E. 12th Ave. Free admission. (509) 838-4277.
Annual Holiday Craft Fair:
Featuring arts, crafts, unique gifts, baked goods and more. Saturday, 9 a.m.-5 p.m. and Sunday, 10 a.m.-4 p.m. Sponsored by the Mead High School Bandwagon. The money raised will go to support the Mead High School Band and Colorguard programs. Saturday - Sunday. Mead High School Gym & Fieldhouse, 302 W. Hastings Road, Mead. $1 admission. (509) 276-5488.
Author Jim Kershner:
Book signing of “Carl Maxey: A Fighting Life.”. Saturday. 12:30-1:30 p.m., On Sacred Grounds, 12212 E. Palouse Highway. (509) 747-6294.
Babysitting Basics:
For children ages 10-15. Learn about infant and toddler care, care of older children, CPR and first aid for infants and children, and many other fun and useful information to help you with becoming the best babysitter you can be. The class also includes: the “What to Expect Babysitter’s Handbook,” a bag to decorate, and many fun and exciting activities and instructors. Saturday. 9 a.m.-3 p.m., Deaconess Health & Education Center. $40. (509) 232-8138.
Bazaar and Food Festival:
Offerings includes collectible treasures, crafts, gifts, bake sale, Georgia pecans, and Lefse. Lunch served from 11:30 a.m.-1 p.m. Saturday. 8 a.m.-2 p.m., St. Marks Lutheran-Faith Presbyterian Church, 9485 Maple St., Hayden. Free admission. (208) 772-6450.
Black and White Gala - A Night of 100 Wishes:
Auction will feature unique experiences, celebrity items and one-of-a-kind gifts. Benefits Make-A-Wish Foundation to make wishes come true for local kids struggling with life-threatening medical conditions. Saturday. 5:30 p.m.-12:30 a.m., Red Lion Hotel at the Park, 303 West North River Drive,. $100. (509) 458-2618.
Fall Craft Show:
The annual event benefiting the Spokane Valley Senior Center features a bake sale, crafts and more. Admission is free. Saturday. 9 a.m.-3 p.m., CenterPlace, 2426 N. Discovery Place. (509) 926-1937.
Furr Ball:
Social hour, dinner, live and silent auctions, live music, collection of trees and parade of animals. Benefit Spokane Humane Society. Saturday. 6:30-11:30 p.m., Davenport Hotel, Grand Pennington Ballroom, 10 S. Post St. $125. (509) 209-0089.
Holiday Boutique:
Presented by the Inland Empire District of Washington State Federated Garden Clubs. Enjoy finished holiday items and kits for sale, demonstration and more. Saturday. 10 a.m.-3 p.m., Manito Meeting Room, Manito Park. (509) 892-9184.
Holiday Fest:
Scandinavian baked goods, jams, craft items, lunch. Saturday. 9 a.m.-3 p.m., Trinity Lutheran Church, 815 N. Fifth St., Coeur d’Alene. (208) 667-6861.
Jeff Dunham:
Comedian and ventriloquist, who breathes life and laughter into a series of improbably funny characters, presenting “Spark of Insanity.” Two shows, Nov. 15 at 8:30 p.m. and Nov. 16 at 7 p.m. Saturday - Sunday. Northern Quest Casino, 100 N. Hayford Road, Airway Heights. $55-$65. (509) 325-SEAT.
November Gala Ball:
Black-tie ballroom dinner and dance with music by Men of Rhythm, an 18-piece orchestra. Sponsored by the BOF. Formal to semi-formal attire. Saturday. 6 p.m., Sons of Norway, 6710 N. Country Homes Blvd. $27.50/advance, $30/door. (509) 325-SEAT or (509) 482-2700.
Opera and Chocolate:
Concert and desserts featuring vocalists Julie Croteau, Julie Powell and Bob Brannan. Proceeds benefit the UCNI music department. Saturday. 7 p.m., Unity Church of North Idaho, 4465 N. 15th St., Coeur d’Alene. $10/suggested donation. (208) 664-1125.
Silver Auto Auction:
Antique 30-40s cars, along with cars from the 50-60s. Saturday. 10 a.m.-7 p.m., Spokane County Fair and Expo Center, 404 N. Havana St. $10. (800) 255-4485.
Spokane Christian Singles Speed Dating:
For single Christians ages 20-49 on Saturday at 7 p.m.; and 45 and older on Sunday at 3 p.m. Reservations required. Free refreshments. Mission Community Presbyterian Church, 2103 E. Mission Ave. $10/first attendance, $7/thereafter. (509) 226-7674.
St. Mark’s Bazaar and Food Festival:
Baked goods, collectibles, crafts and more. Lunch served 11:30 a.m.-1 p.m. Saturday. 8 a.m.-2 p.m., St. Mark’s Lutheran-Faith Presbyterian Church, Hayden, Idaho. (208) 772-6450.
Third Annual Auction:
Viewing at 11 a.m.; auction at 1 p.m.; rib dinner after the auction. Saturday. Eagles Lodge, 115 S. Park Ave., Deer Park. $12/dinner.
Golden Dragon Chinese Acrobats:
The group from Hebei, China, travels around the country performing rigorous art of acrobatics. Presented by Pend Oreille Arts Council. Sunday. 7:30 p.m., Panida Theater, 300 N. First Ave., Sandpoint. $22/adults, $8/youth. (208) 263-9191.
Pancake Breakfast:
Menu consists of scrambled eggs, sausage, juice, coffee and all-you-can-eat pancakes. Sunday. 9 a.m.-1 p.m., Sons of Norway Tordenskjold Lodge, 6710 N. Country Homes Blvd. $4/adults, $2.50/age five and younger. (509) 326-9211.
A Taste of Culture: A Taste Bud Extravaganza:
Food fair during Cultural Awareness Week. Food representing various countries and cultures will be prepared by the Black Student Union, Four Directions Native Club, the Hawaiian Club, Open Conversation: Orientation, and Sociology Club. Monday. 11 a.m.-1 p.m., Whitworth University, Hixson Union Building multipurpose room. (509) 777-4790.
Homeless Winter Wear Drive:
Seeking donations of clean, lightly worn or new, warm winter clothes for our community’s homeless. Monday. 11 a.m.-3 p.m., Homeless Resource Center, 520 S. Walnut St. (509) 3241539.
Our Global Mosaic:
Cultural Awareness Week, Nov. 17-21, featuring Whitworth clubs and community groups representing traditions, cultures, beliefs and lifestyles of different cultures. The event will promote learning and understanding of various cultures at Whitworth, in the surrounding community and throughout the world. Whitworth University. (509) 777-4790.
Ray of Light Project:
Celebrating Cultural Awareness Week. Students who worked in Mozambique last summer as part of the Ray of Light Project will share stories and photos from their trip. Other students and faculty members also will share their experiences from their mission trips to Africa. The Ray of Light Project focuses on providing food and Christian education to children, and on helping hospitals, schools, AIDS victims and orphans whose parents have died from AIDS. Monday. 7-9 p.m., Whitworth University, Hixson Union Building multipurpose room. (509) 777-4790.
Speed Dating for Single Professionals:
Single professionals ages 30-59 can have up to 12 six-minute dates in one evening. Ages 40-59 meet at 6:30 p.m.; ages 30-45 meet at 8:15 p.m. Online registration is required. Presented by Monday. Bangkok Thai, 1003 E. Trent Ave. $35. (509) 244-1712.
Take Off Pounds Sensibly:
TOPS members meet every Monday. Monday. 9-11 a.m., Broadway Court Estates, 13505 E. Broadway. 922-3874.
Hawaiian Flower-Making and Native American Beadwork:
Celebrating Cultural Awareness Week. Demonstrations by The Four Directions Native Club and the Hawaiian Club. Craft supplies will be provided. Tuesday. 8-11 p.m., Whitworth University, Duvall Hall’s second-floor lounge. (509) 777-4790.
Homeless Toiletries Drive:
Donate personal care items and toiletries to benefit our area’s homeless people. Travel size items are especially needed. Tuesday. 7-10 a.m., Global Credit Union, 1520 W. Third Ave. (509) 324-1539.
Native Beadwork and Crafts Sale:
Celebrating Cultural Awareness Week. Works by Peter Perkins, hosted by Whitworth’s Four Directions Native Club. Tuesday. 10 a.m.-8 p.m., Whitworth University, Hixson Union Building, Lied Square. (509) 777-4790.
SFCC Native American Craft Sale:
event. Tuesday - Thursday. 9 a.m.-2 p.m., Spokane Falls Community College, Student Union Building lobby, 3410 W. Fort George Wright Drive. (509) 533-3558.
“Disney on Ice: High School Musical”:
Performances Nov. 19-22 at 7:30 p.m., matinees Nov. 22 at 11:30 a.m. and 3:30 p.m. and Nov. 23 at 1 and 5 p.m. Spokane Arena, 720 W. Mallon Ave. $16-$42. (509) 325-SEAT.
“I Am From” Project:
Celebrating Cultural Awareness Week. Sponsored by The Black Student Union and the Sociology Club. The event will begin with a short skit, “Who’s on the BUS?” followed by a discussion about the skit. Students then will make “I Am From” posters, which explore their identities and backgrounds, and the event will conclude with a discussion about how students’ upbringings can affect their lives as well as the Whitworth community. Thursday. 4-6 p.m., Whitworth University, Hixson Union Building multipurpose room. (509) 777-4790.
Arts and Crafts Exhibit:
Celebrating Cultural Awareness Week. Hosted by The Latin American Club. The exhibit will feature crafts from Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Honduras, El Salvador, Mexico, Panama and Peru, among others. Thursday. 6 p.m., Whitworth University, Hixson Union Building, Lied Square. (509) 777-4790.
Holiday Luncheon and Silent Auction:
Children’s Village fundraiser includes food, silent auction and entertainment. Tickets must be pre-paid to reserve seating. Thursday. 11 a.m.-1 p.m., Hayden Lake Country Club, 2362 E. Bozanta Drive, Hayden Lake. $32/each, $300/corporate tables of eight. (208) 667-1189.
Custer’s Christmas Arts and Crafts Show:
Nov. 21 - 23. 32nd annual event features more than 300 vendors offering handblown glass works, jewelry, watercolors, quilts, pottery, painted furniture, sculptures, photos, wood works, candles, gourmet foods and more. Friday, 10 a.m.-9 p.m., Saturday, 9 a.m.-8 p.m., and Sunday, 10 a.m.-5 p.m. Spokane County Fair & Expo Center, 404 N. Havana St., Spokane Valley. $6/adults, good all weekend, free/ages 12 and younger. (509) 924-0588.
International Banquet:
Celebrating Cultural Awareness Week. sponsored by the Whitworth International Club. A buffet dinner at 5:30 p.m. will feature an array of specialty foods from countries around the world. An international fashion show and entertainment program will begin at 6:30 p.m. and will feature Whitworth students and groups from the Spokane community. Performances will include a guest speech by Whitworth Professor of Sociology Raja Tanas, as well as Hawaiian dancing, steel drumming, French singing, African dancing, spoken word, and the Whitworth Exceptional Praise Gospel Choir. Nov. 21. Whitworth University Dining Hall. $13/general, $10/students and children, free/age five and younger. (509) 777-3796.
Joel McHale:
Host of E’s “The Soup!”. Nov. 21. 8 p.m., INB Performing Arts Center, 334 W. Spokane Falls Blvd. $34.50. (509) 325-SEAT.
Santa’s Arrival Parade and Tree Lighting:
Pre-festivities beginning at 5:30 p.m. at River Park Square Mall include face-painting, balloon artist and carols sung by the Sweet Adelines. Santa will parade down Post Street from the Davenport Hotel valet parking entrance, 10 S. Post Street in a horse-drawn sleigh, spreading holiday joy along the way. The parade will feature classic cars driven by the Inland Northwest Corvair Club, holiday tunes from the Sacajawea Middle School Santa Band and Santa’s helpers. Santa will arrive at 6:45 p.m. to River the mall’s main entrance for tree lighting. Nov. 21. downtown Spokane. (509) 363-0304.