Battered dog returns home
Police trying to ID Shih Tzu’s attacker
Cocoa Butter is having trouble eating and drinking, but her Spokane owners are hopeful the Shih Tzu will pull through.
The dog, which is home, contracted pneumonia while at the animal hospital.
“They are hoping maybe that’s the cause (of her current problems),” said Gail Mackie, executive director of SpokAnimal C.A.R.E. The dog is receiving intravenous feedings from her owners, Tom and Louise Tuffin, Mackie said.
Police are still working to identify a man caught on surveillance outside Spokane City Hall on June 22. He shattered a car window, pulled out Cocoa Butter and threw her against the wall. The owners found their pet on the sidewalk near Post Street about 12:30 a.m. The couple had left the dog in the car while they went to a movie.
Mackie says leaving the dog in the car was perfectly fine and legal because the temperature had only reached a high of 61, the lows were in the mid-40s, and it was night.
“We say, if it’s 65 or over, leave the dog at home,” Mackie said.