Spokane clubs
Melody Rider’s Saddle Club – Upcoming gaming days are next Saturday, July 11, Aug. 1, and Aug. 22. Gaming events are held at Chewelah Arena. Call Marvin Lindemann at (509) 442-3369 or Oly Burnett at (509) 935-4006 or visit www.melodyriders.com for times and information.
Engineers Forum of Spokane – Meets Mondays, 12:30 p.m., Timber Creek Grill Buffet, 9211 E. Montgomery Ave. No-host lunch at noon. Annual golf tournament is Monday at the Wandermere Golf Course, 13700 N. Wandermere Road; tee times start at 1 p.m. and dinner is at 6 p.m., followed by prize awards for tournament winners. Call (509) 448-1776 for golf reservations and (509) 244-3467 for dinner reservations. Call (509) 244-3467 or e-mail engineersforuminfo@hughes.net for more information.
Barbershop Harmony Society – Meets Wednesdays at 7 p.m., Southside Senior Center, 3151 E. 27 Ave. Visit www.pagesofharmony.org or call (509) 534-1725 for more information.