Annie’s Mailbox: Anger at parents’ breakup normal
Dear Annie: My parents are going through a divorce. I have a lot of anger toward my dad because he packed up and left us while Mom and I were out of town. Also, it’s pretty obvious he has a girlfriend. He won’t answer any of my calls or take responsibility for what he’s done.
I’m also angry with my mother because she’s constantly bringing up Dad every five minutes and it’s frustrating.
I’m 17 years old and have enough problems to deal with. How can I get past this whole ordeal, forgive my dad, help my mom and make her realize she shouldn’t be talking to me about her problems? – A Mess in Ohio
Dear Ohio: It is normal for you to be angry and upset. Your father is behaving selfishly, and your mother is leaning on you for emotional support. It will help if you can talk to someone about your situation, perhaps your school counselor, a favorite teacher, an adult relative or the parent of a friend.
In time, you will forgive your father because you sound smart enough to understand that it will help you move forward. You also can explain to your mother that you know she is hurting and ask her to please vent to a professional. It would be better for both of you.
Dear Annie: I am writing in response to “Shorty’s Mom.” I am nearly 22 and have never reached 5 feet tall. Being offered the child’s menu is a regular thing. It can be frustrating, especially when my ability to do something is put into question based solely on my physical appearance.
However, I have started to look at the positive side. My size is very much an asset in the theatrical world. I tend to get the cute, funny and often most memorable roles.
So to “Shorty’s Mom” and especially her daughter, please don’t let your size get you down. Remember, the sweetest of chocolate, the deadliest of dynamite and the most beautiful of diamond rings are all in the smallest of packages. – Always Looking at the Children’s Menu