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The Spokesman-Review Newspaper
Spokane, Washington  Est. May 19, 1883

Ex-Cougar Leaf enters guilty plea

Football: Former NFL quarterback Ryan Leaf has agreed to plead guilty in his Texas drug and burglary case in exchange for 10 years of probation, attorneys in the case said Thursday.

Leaf’s attorney, Bill Kelly, said his client has agreed to plead guilty to seven counts of obtaining a controlled substance by fraud and one count of delivery of a simulated controlled substance. Leaf would be on probation for 10 years and a burglary charge would be dropped.

A judge must approve the deal, which includes Leaf paying a $20,000 fine, Kelly said.

Leaf, a Great Falls, Mont., native who is living in Canada, was a star at Washington State but a bust during his four-year NFL career. He coached quarterbacks at West Texas A&M in Canyon, where the indictment was returned last May.

Leaf was accused of presenting an incomplete medical history to several physicians between January 2008 and September 2008 to get or try to obtain the painkiller Hydrocodone. He also allegedly forced his way into a Canyon apartment in October 2008 and stole Hydrocodone that had been prescribed to an injured football player.

Associated Press

NHL’s union accepts new rule

Hockey: Blindside hits to the head are a thing of the past in the NHL. The players’ association executive board voted to accept a new temporary rule that will ban hits to the head against unsuspecting players.

The union’s representatives on the competition committee signed off on the ban Wednesday. It was then left to the union’s board to accept or reject the recommendation. The NHL will be allowed to issue supplemental discipline to violators this season.

The rule was in effect for Thursday’s games and will continue through the playoffs.

Associated Press