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Spokane, Washington  Est. May 19, 1883

Green Spring Cleaning

Your bathroom is a spot in your home that can be given a Green make-over, or at least a good going-over with non-toxic cleaning supplies and healthier wipes. (Courtesy
GreenCupboards staff
Spring is here, which means our annual spring cleaning is upon us. It is always a refreshing feeling to clean up and throw out all the unnecessary garbage that is lying around. Whether it is a simple de-clutter or a purging of all things no longer in use this two part feature will help you tackle your spring cleaning in an environmentally friendly manner. Recycle This seems like a no-brainer, but much of the “trash” that we through out, especially during a deep clean, can be recycled. Papers and most cardboard boxes can easily be recycled, as well as, plastics, glass, aluminum, and even Styrofoam. While not all areas recycle all plastics and other materials it is simple to find out where you can recycle these items. Also check the labeling. Almost all plastics are labeled with their specific recycling codes of plastics ID codes #1-7. Depending on your area you may be able to recycle all or only just a few of the types of plastic. Donate Ever heard the saying, “What’s one man’s trash is another man’s treasure?” Well, it is true. When cleaning out your closet, boxes of unused or unwanted knick-knacks, and appliances that have been replaced donate these unused or old items to charities such as Goodwill, the Salvation Army. Many unfortunate people rely on the charitable donations of others for basic items such as clothes, as well as furnishings for their home. Donating to charitable organizations that help the less fortunate is not only a great act for humanity, but also great for the planet. Similar to recycling, donating reduces the amount of waste that gets thrown out and fills up land fills. Organization A simple way to keep your home de-cluttered for extended periods of time is to implement ways to keep it all organized. Using bookshelves, filing cabinets, and other organizing units helps to keep your belongings organized and easier to put away. Organization is a simple and easy way to reduce clutter around the home and make your seasonal cleaning less of an undertaking. Buying organizational furniture doesn’t have to be expensive nor does it have to have a negative impact on the environment, there are a number of companies that make eco-friendly furniture for your home and organizational needs. With these simple ways to de-clutter and purge your home of unwanted and excess items you can reduce your household waste from spring cleaning and make a better impact on the environment rather than producing a lot of waste. While it is always a refreshing feeling to clean up and throw out all the unnecessary garbage that is lying around, once you have de-cluttered and purged your home of all the unnecessary garbage it is time to deep clean and disinfect and here are some fun products that will help get the job done without harming the environment. Kitchen When cleaning your kitchen try using some of these simple products that get the job done without having a negative impact on the planet. You can also use natural disinfecting wipes to clean your counters and surfaces. And when washing dishes, either by hand or with a dishwasher, there are natural alternatives. When washing dishes in the dishwasher try natural dish detergents and when washing by hand try using natural dish soaps. Bathroom Cleaning the bathroom can be quite the chore, especially when inhaling all those toxic fumes. Eliminate the toxic fumes and use natural cleansers to clean your bathroom. When cleaning your shower avoid toxic fumes by using a natural cleanser that gets the job done without harming the environment or the lungs. Same goes for the toilet. Non-toxic, natural cleaners are a great alternative for getting your toilet clean without the negative repercussions. And you can use the same disinfecting wipes you use in the kitchen to clean your bathroom surfaces. Living Rooms and Bedrooms While there are a lot of things to clean in the living room, cleaning the living room is nothing like cleaning the kitchen or bathroom. Though there may be some surfaces to clean, the majority of the cleaning to be done in the living room is the cleaning of different fabrics. While most don’t shampoo the carpets and sofas every time they clean the living room they probably do freshen them up with a fabric refreshing spray. Natural fabric refreshing sprays leave the sofa and carpet smelling fresh while eliminating odors and bacteria. Laundry When washing the laundry there are many alternatives that are better for the environment and more cost effective. Most conventional detergents are made largely from water, which means consumers get less for their money. Try a natural laundry detergent and fabric softeners to get your laundry clean without harming the environment. Another added benefit of natural laundry detergents is since they are made with natural ingredients they are significantly less likely to cause allergic reactions which is great for those who have sensitive skin.
Viva Verde! is written by the GreenCupboards Team in Spokane who love, love, love living green. is an online provider of green, energy efficient products for the home and office.”