Pig Out in the Park - 31st annual food and music festival with food booths and beverage gardens. See full line up of music at 10 a.m.-10 p.m., Riverfront Park. Free admission. (509) 921-5579.
Picnic in the Park - Combined neighborhood picnic. Bring your food and visit. 5:30-8 p.m., Comstock Park, east end, 601 W. 29th Ave. Free.
TicketsWest 2010 Northwest League Baseball Playoffs - Spokane Indians host Games 2 and 3 today and Wednesday for best of three series. Games are at 6:30 p.m. If the Indians win the East Division title, they will host the first game of the NWL Championship on Thursday. Avista Stadium, 602 N. Havana St, Spokane Valley. $30-$35. (509) 535-2922.
Family Story Evening - All ages are welcome. Children are encouraged to wear pajamas and bring their favorite blanket or stuffed toy. Library locations include: North Spokane, 44 E. Hawthorne Road (509) 893-8350; Spokane Valley, 12004 E. Main Ave. (509) 893-8400. 7 p.m. Free.
After School Specials (Medical Lake) - “Wild West Fun.” For school-age children. 4 p.m., Medical Lake Library, 321 E. Herb St., Medical Lake. Free. (509) 893-8330.
Veradale Street Fair - Enjoy free samples from local restaurants, bounce houses and activities for all ages. Live entertainment, back-to-school style show, antique bicycle display and numerous booths. 5-7:30 p.m., Valley Assembly of God Church, 15618 E. Broadway. (509) 924-0466.
After School Specials - “Wild West Fun.” For school-age children. A different theme will be offered each month. Library locations include: Cheney, 610 First St. (509) 893-8280; Otis Orchards, 22324 E. Wellesley Ave. (509) 893-8390. 4 p.m. Free.
Friends of the Deer Park Library Book Sale - Today and Saturday, 9 a.m.-4 p.m., Deer Park Auto Freight, 2405 E. Crawford St., Deer Park. (509) 893-8300.
Spokane County Interstate Fair - Today-Sept.18, 10 a.m.-10:30 p.m., and Sept. 19, 10 a.m.-8 p.m. Advance ticket prices available at or calling (800) 325-SEAT. Spokane County Fair and Expo Center, 404 N. Havana St., Spokane Valley. Admission at the gate: $10/adults, $7/ages 7-13 and seniors, free/age 6 and younger. (509) 477-2787.
Food Distribution - Second Harvest will distribute free food and fresh produce from its mobile food bank truck to anyone who needs it. No appointment or documentation is required and the distribution does not count as a food bank visit. Those seeking food are asked to bring their own box. Noon-2 p.m., Millwood Presbyterian Church, 3223 N. Marguerite Road. (509) 924-2350.
Family Astro Night - For ages 6 and older. Check out artifacts from Mars and the International Space Station with Joe Bruce at “Space Frontiers,” then head to the roof of River Park Square to observe the night sky with the Spokane Astronomical Society, weather permitting. 5:30-8:30 p.m., Mobius Kids, 808 W. Main Ave., Lower Level. $10 per person. (509) 624-KIDS.
Reardan Annual Fall Festival - All-city garage sale, antique show, farmers market, craft show, food vendors and more. (509) 796-2102.
CVHS band fundraiser - A car wash and rummage sale to benefit the Central Valley High School band and color guard. 9 a.m.-3 p.m., Central Valley High School, 821 S. Sullivan Road. $5 per car. (509) 927-6848.
Chicken Festival - Local organic food, beer garden, vendors, entertainment, family activities. Learn about raising chickens in an urban environment. Proceeds will benefit P.E.A.C.H. and One World Spokane. 10 a.m.-4 p.m., Pittsburg St. between Sprague and First avenues. Free admission. (509) 270-1608.
Barnes & Noble Storytime - Story will be “Go Away, Big Green Monster” by Ed Emberley. Also make a craft and enjoy a treat. 11 a.m., Barnes & Noble, 15310 E. Indiana Ave., Spokane Valley. (509) 922-4104.
Sustainable September: Green Storytime - Listen to some eco-friendly stories about living responsibly. 11 a.m., Auntie’s Bookstore, Children’s Section, 402 W. Main Ave. Free. (509) 838-0206.
Canoe Family Fun - For ages 8 and older. Sponsored by REI. Enjoy a float down the Little Spokane River. Pre-registration is required. 1-5 p.m., Take Out at Little Spokane River, Nine Mile Falls. $27. (509) 625-6200.
The Feeders - Presented by Lib Tech, Snowboy Productions, Zumiez and Jones Soda Co. Local snowboarders compete for prizes and to qualify for the Downtown Throwdown, urban snowboarding event, in Seattle on Oct. 9. To register or for more information, visit 1-3 p.m., Spokane Valley Mall, 14700 E. Indiana Ave., Spokane Valley. (509) 926-3700.
Demolition Derby - At Spokane County Interstate Fair. Compact Demo Derby. 4 p.m., Spokane County Fair and Expo Center, 404 N. Havana St., Spokane Valley. (800) 325-SEAT.
Pancake Breakfast - Served the second Sunday of each month. 8:30 a.m.-noon, McIntosh Grange, First and Lake Streets, Rockford. $4/adults, $2/age 10 and younger. (509) 535-1165.
Howling at Hamilton - All dogs are invited to enjoy a day of swimming at the city pool. A dock jumping competition will be held at 5 p.m. Proceeds will benefit the Humane Society of the Palouse. Only one dog per owner. Owners must clean up after their dogs and overly aggressive dogs will be asked to leave. 1-6 p.m., Hamilton Lowe Aquatics Center, 830 N. Mountain View Road, Moscow, Idaho. $7 per dog. (208) 883-1166.
Apple Festival - Every weekend from this Saturday-Oct. 31. Visit for map of growers. Green Bluff.
Ballet for Dance for Youth - For ages 3-11. Learn beginning ballet steps. Pre-registration is required. Classes held this Saturday-Oct. 2. Pre-registration is required. Class time depends on age group. A Time to Dance, 3815 N. Post St. $48. (509) 625-6200.
Campbell House - Part of the Northwest Museum of Arts and Culture, admission tickets includes the exhibit galleries and a guided tour of the house. Several guided tours will be available Wednesdays-Saturdays 11 a.m.-3 p.m. The museum exhibit galleries are open Wednesdays-Saturdays, 10 a.m.-6 p.m. 2316 W. First Ave. $7/adults, $5/seniors and students with ID, free/age 5 and younger; includes admission and guided tours in the museum. 456-3931.
Children’s Activities and Classes - A variety of classes, camps and workshops will be offered for children age 3 and older. Dates, times, and costs vary. Sponsored by the city of Spokane Parks and Recreation Department. Pre-registration is required. (509) 625-6200.
Lions Club Train Rides - Saturdays-Sundays through Oct. 24, train leaves from Ione Station. Rides are 20 miles roundtrip along and across the Pend Oreille River. Reservations requested. (877) 525-5226.
Spokane Valley Heritage Museum - “On a Wing and a Prayer,” aviation history of Felts Field profiling our local pioneer aviators (Nick Mamer, Jack Fancher, Buell Felts), the formation of the Washington Air National Guard, the 1927 visit by Charles Lindbergh, and “Visionary Women,” women who shaped the history of the Spokane Valley, through Sept. 16. Hours are Wednesdays-Saturdays, 11 a.m.-4 p.m., 12114 E. Sprague Ave. $6/adults, $5/seniors, $4/children. (509) 922-4570.