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Outdoor prose contest for high schoolers
OUTWRITE – The Spokesman-Review’s 25th annual Outdoor Writing Contest for high school students is open for entries through Nov. 19.
See details, page B13
Potholes fish safe to eat, study says
OUTSTUDY – Fish caught from Potholes Reservoir in central Washington are safe to eat, the Washington Department of Ecology says.
The state agency analyzed tissue samples from 35 fish after the popular Grant County fishing destination showed up on a U.S. Environmental Protection Agency list of lakes that violate water quality standards.
Lab results were studied from the reservoir’s most common fish species, including walleye, yellow perch, black crappie, lake whitefish, and smallmouth bass.
“Based on concentrations listed in this study we see no potential health concerns from consuming these fish,” Dave McBride, health department toxicologist said last week. “All concentrations were too low to be of concern, even for people who might eat the fish several times per week.”
Read the study: www.ecy.wa.gov/biblio/ 1003053.html
Montana caters to traveling hunters
OUTFIELD – Montana is offering a few new twists of interest to out-of-state hunters.
Saturday openers: The antelope, deer and elk seasons will open on Saturdays instead of the traditional Sundays.
Homecoming offer: A new law encourages nonresidents who once lived in Montana to “come home to hunt” with parents, siblings and other close family members.
Former Montanans who purchased a resident hunting license in the past, or who were awarded a Montana hunters education certificate before 2010, can be “sponsored” by a family member to obtain a nonresident combination deer or elk license.
College benefit: Nonresident students at Montana universities are being offered a discount on state hunting licenses.
OUTCORRECTED – The sharp-shinned hawk in a photo illustrating last week’s Critter Watch story on the Chelan Ridge Hawk Migration Festival was incorrectly labeled as a merlin.
“It’s standing-in-the-corner time pondering the difference between falcons and accipiters,” scolded Spokane bird-watching expert Jim Acton in a letter.
“Argh. It’s pretty embarrassing,” said photographer and Audubon member Teri Pieper. “You can blame me for sending the wrong caption.”
But the buck stops with Critter Watch for failing to double-check.