Dr. Gott: Ionic silver water used as antibiotic
DEAR DR. GOTT: I have recently heard several testimonials about ionic silver water used to heal open sores and also having drinking benefits. Can you enlighten me on the use and safety of this product?
DEAR READER: Ionic silver has been used for countless years as the “ultimate” antibiotic, antifungal and antiviral alternative. This natural element is believed to block the respiratory metabolism in bacteria. Viruses are rendered ineffective when silver particles block infection, causing them to be unable to replicate.
When it comes to healing wounds, there are differences in silver. Total silver content is actually divided into two forms — ionic silver and silver particles known as colloidal silver. Colloidal silver is most common, but more expensive and less effective than ionic silver water.
The daily intake for dietary silver has not been determined, as it is not considered an essential mineral. Studies indicate the average diet contains between 23 and 88 mcg of silver daily. General daily maintenance doses, when taken, are between 1 teaspoon and a maximum of 1 tablespoon daily; however, these figures vary dramatically.
Side effects include a feeling of malaise, mild headache, flu-like symptoms and diarrhea, referred to as part of a “healing crisis.” They are the result of the silver killing off too many pathogens too fast. Consumption must be daily because the liver filters out silver ions within two days.
Ionic silver water is available through the Internet and offline, enabling patients and doctors to create specific supplement protocols that should be of great benefit to each individual. But without specific cause, I personally would not endorse taking this supplement. Rather, I would eat well-balanced meals, get plenty of exercise and forget the whole darned thing, but I’m sure I will be brought to task with this view.