Health Bulletin Board
New listings
EFT Tapping for Weight Loss Workshop – Workshop covers how to identify and assess your core beliefs; neutralize triggers that cause emotional eating; dissolve past influences, traumas and fears that contribute to overeating; open up to a new approach to eating; release shame and improve self-image; and change patterns of behaviors and negative habits. Today, 6-8 p.m., at CREATE Arts Center, 900 W. Fourth St., Newport, Wash. $15. Call (509) 447-9277, email, or visit for more information.
Basic Shamanism Class – Learn shamanic journeying and power animal retrieval. Aug. 25-26, 9:30 a.m.-5 p.m., in Elk, Wash. $200. Call (509) 276-4028 or visit for more information.
Kootenai Health Triathlon for Kids – Designed to promote health and fitness to area children. For ages 4-11. Sept. 8, at the Kootenai Health McGrane Center for Rehabilitation, 2003 Kootenai Health Way, Coeur d’Alene. $17 ($20 after Sept. 1), includes a T-shirt. Registration forms are available online or at the McGrane Center for Rehabilitation front desk, Vertical Earth Bike Shop, and other select community locations. Call (208) 666-2950 or visit to register and for more information.
Advanced Shamanic Soul Retrieval Class – Restore soul parts for increased health and wholeness. Sept. 22, 9 a.m.-5 p.m., in Elk, Wash. $125. Call (509) 276-4028 or visit for more information.
A Panel for the Ages – Free discussion on options available regarding senior health care. A panel style seminar with a question-and-answer period. Topics include: Medicare, Medicare Part D (Medications), home health, therapy, skilled nursing, assisted and independent living, and resources available to seniors. Free hors d’oeuvres will be provided by Avalon Health Care. Wednesday, 4 p.m., at Avalon Care Center at Northpointe, 9827 N. Nevada St. RSVP to Anthony Esposito by calling (509) 468-7000 or emailing for more information.
PREvent Dietitian Consults – For women who have been diagnosed with pre-diabetes and want to make lifestyle changes to prevent the onset of Type 2 diabetes. Half-hour meetings with registered dietitians will be held from noon-5 p.m. on Wednesday or 8 a.m.-noon on Aug. 29, at 501 N. Riverpoint Blvd., Suite 245. Event is funded through Susan G. Komen for the Cure. Free. Visit to register and for more information.
Healthy Cooking Class - August’s class is “Shop Smart.” Thursday, 6:30-8 p.m., at Providence Holy Family Education Center, Room 1, 5633 N. Lidgerwood St. Free. Visit to register and for more information.
Grieving in Plain Sight – National three-day event is Friday-Sunday at Doubletree Hotel, 322 N. Spokane Falls Blvd. Event will feature workshops that apply to working through grief and emotions as a result of a loss of a family member or friend or grief in general as well as workshops that apply to traumatic situations in grief and returning to work. There will also be a program for the military community with workshops for both soldiers and their families. Call (509) 879-2568, email, or visit for more information.
Inland Northwest HOPE for Parkinson’s Conference – A national conference for those in the Parkinson’s community and others who want to learn more about this disease. The Spokane Tremble Clefs will perform a concert and lunch will be provided. $20 before Friday or $25 after Friday. Aug. 25, 9 a.m., at Northern Quest Resort, 100 N. Hayford Road, Airway Heights. Call (877) 980-7500, email or visit for more information.
Healthy Living Workshops – Designed for those who have chronic conditions such as diabetes, asthma, depression, heart disease, chronic pain, arthritis, and high blood pressure. Program aims to help patients gain self-confidence in their ability to control their symptoms and learn how their health problems affect their lives. Open to all patients with chronic conditions and/or their caregivers. Free, workbooks are available for $10 (reimbursed upon completion of the class). Held Mondays through Aug. 27, 1-3:30 p.m., at Denny Murphy Clinic, 1001 W. Second Ave. Call (509) 444-8200, visit, or email for more information.
Initial Assessment – Wellness Activities for Patients with Breast Cancer – 30-minute assessments are one-on-one discussions with a wellness coach who will provide participants with free or low-cost wellness and complementary therapies. 30-minute assessments will be Aug. 21, 4-6 p.m., at Wells Fargo Building, INHS Entrance, Room 2B, 601 W. First Ave. Free. Visit to register and for more information.
Striders Summer Walking Program – A community walking and exercise program promoting fitness, fun, friends and health education since 1995. Held Wednesdays through Aug. 22, 8-9 a.m. at various locations around Spokane and Coeur d’Alene. For more information, call Carol at (509) 926-1697 or Judy at (509) 892-1293.
Walker and Wheelchair Tuning – Presented by Bates Pharmacy and Medical Supply and American Seating and Mobility. Event provides free tune-ups on all walkers, wheelchairs and power scooters. Donations appreciated. Aug. 27, 1 p.m., at Corbin Senior Center, 827 W. Cleveland Ave. Call (5090 327-1584, email, or visit for more information.
Beyond Babysitting Basics Day Camp – For youth ages 11-15. Participants put together a bag full of activities to take with them on baby-sitting jobs, learn cooking basics, become certified in First Aid and CPR, and explore what it really means to be a baby sitter. Aug. 28 and 30, 9 a.m.-1 p.m., at St. Luke’s Rehabilitation Institute, Room 200, 711 S. Cowley St. Cost is $60. Visit to register and for more information.
Passage Meditation Introductory Workshop – Introducing Sri Easwaran’s form of meditation. Classes consist of video instruction and discussion followed by a half-hour of meditation. Cost is free, donations suggested. Five-week session is held Tuesdays, Aug. 28-Sept. 25, 6-7:30 p.m., at Spokane Buddhist Temple, 927 S. Perry St. Call (509) 328-3829 for more information.
Emergency Medical Technician Course – Course highlights the basic knowledge and skills necessary for individuals who wish to obtain state or national certification as an Emergency Medical Technician. Consists of 160 classroom hours as well as hours at an in-hospital emergency room and in the prehospital setting. Sept. 4, 7-9 p.m., at Health Training Network Facility, 1610 N. Rebecca St. Cost is $638 plus lab fee and book. Preregistration required by Aug. 21. Call (509) 242-4264 or visit for more information and to register.
Lifeline Stroke and Osteoporosis Screenings – Screenings identify potential cardiovascular conditions such as blocked arteries and irregular heart rhythm, abdominal aortic aneurysms, and hardening of the arteries in the legs. A bone density screening to assess osteoporosis risk is also offered and is appropriate for both men and women. Packages start at $159. Registration is required. Held Sept. 6 at Sons of Norway Hall, 6710 N. Country Homes Blvd., and Sept. 8 at VFW Post #1435, 212 S. David St., Spokane Valley. Call (877) 237-1287 or visit to register and for more information.
Soul Collage – Explore Your Inner Self and Nourish Your Soul – Participants learn how to create a personal deck of soul-tending cards using imagination, intuition and creativity. Sept. 29, 10 a.m., at St. Joseph Family Center, 1016 N. Superior St. Suggested donation is $49. Call (509) 483-6495, email, or visit for more information.
Washington State University Memory Problem Study Participants Sought – Psychology researchers at Washington State University are seeking people with memory problems and their spouses or other family members to participate in treatment and intervention groups in Eastern Washington. The goal of the project is to help people maintain their independence as long as possible, decrease caregiver burden and increase social support networks for both clients and their families or caregivers. Call (509) 335-4033 ext. 1 for more information.
Cancer support
Breast Cancer Support – The group meets the second and fourth Wednesdays of each month from 6-8 p.m. at Holy Family Hospital, 5633 N. Lidgerwood St., in the Radiation Oncology Department Conference Room. Call (509) 474-5490 for information.
Breast Cancer Wellness Group – Support group sponsored by Kootenai Health meets Mondays, noon-1 p.m. at Kootenai Cancer Center, 1440 E. Mullan Ave., Post Falls. For more information, call (208) 619-4138.
Cancer and Community Charities – Meets the second Wednesday of each month, Elks Lodge, 1170 W. Prairie Ave., Coeur d’Alene. For time and information call (208) 659-2064 or email
Cancer Support – The Providence Cancer Support Services group hosts a “telehealth” meeting for the education and support and cancer patients and their caregivers on the second and fourth Wednesday of each month from 4-5 p.m. at the Sacred Heart Medical Center Doctors Building Suite 120, 105 W. Eighth Ave. Call (509) 474-5490 for more information.
Cancer Support Group – Meets the first, third and fifth Tuesdays of each month, 5:30-7 p.m., Holy Family Hospital, Health Education Center, 5633 N. Lidgerwood St., Room 2. Cost is free. Call (509) 474-5490 for more information.
Look Good … Feel Better – A program offered by the American Cancer Society to help women diagnosed with cancer learn how to apply cosmetics and choose wigs and other headwear. The group meets twice monthly. For locations, time and more information, call Bonnie Abernethy at (509) 455-3440, option 3.