Stage listings

Mosaic Concert - Seventy-five student musicians from the Lionel Hampton School of Music offer a colorful choreographed, fast-paced performance. Orchestrated by Dan Bukvich, professor of music. Today, 7:30-9:30 p.m., University of Idaho, Lionel Hampton School of Music, Haddock Performance Hall, 1010 Blake Ave., Moscow. Free. (208) 885-7521.
Pianist Douglas Humpherys - International award-winning pianist presents a solo recital including Liszt’s Sonata in B Minor, Schubert’s Sonata in A Minor D 784, Ravel’s Sonatine and Scarlatti’s Sonata K 184 and Sonata K 421. Today, 8 p.m., Washington State University, Bryan Hall Theatre, Pullman. Free. (509) 335-4148.
Nonpoint - With special guests Hydro the Hero, 33 and Flyreel. Win tickets by listening to 94.5 FM. Saturday, 8 p.m., Knitting Factory, 919 W. Sprague Ave. Free. (509) 244-3279.
Superpops: Pink Martini – Portland 12-piece group draws inspiration from music from all over the world – crossing genres of classical, jazz and old-fashioned pop. With the Spokane Symphony. Saturday, 8 p.m., Martin Woldson Theater at The Fox, 1001 W. Sprague Ave. $35-$68. (509) 624-1200.
SAI Moscow-Pullman Alumnae Musicale - Sigma Alpha Iota’s annual spring fundraiser sponsored by the Moscow-Pullman Alumnae Chapter. Performers include: Susan Billin, piano/organ; Brianna Johnson, violin; Annabel Ryu, cello; Megan Hubbell, piano; Kathy Stefani, soprano; UI Flute Choir; Carol Padgham Albrecht, oboe; Del Hungerford, clarinet; Sarah Dramstad, saxophone; Melody Potratz, piano. Following the musicale will be a reception to meet the performers and view the donated musical instruments that have been collected over the past month to go to schools in need of more instruments for their band programs. Sunday, 3 p.m., University of Idaho, Lionel Hampton School of Music, Haddock Performance Hall, 1010 Blake Ave., Moscow. Donation. (208) 885-7212.
Tuesday Night Music Series – Tuesday from 5-6:30 p.m., Midnight Parade (indie folk). Moscow Food Co-Op, Deli, 121 E. Fifth St., Moscow. Free. (208) 882-8537.
Free Music Theory Classes - For school-age music students. Classes start Tuesday and run for 10 weeks. Music Theory 1, 4 p.m.; Music Theory 2, 5 p.m. Call (509) 326-9516 to register. Holy Names Music Center, 3910 W. Custer Drive.
Classical Guitar Class - Learn the fundamentals of music and sound guitar playing while studying the ample world of classical guitar music with John Paul Shields. All players and guitars are welcome; however, nylon-stringed guitars are recommended. Guitar picks are unnecessary as we will be using our fingers to play. For age 15-adult. Classes Tuesdays, 6-7:30 p.m., Holy Names Music Center, 3910 W. Custer Drive. $140. (509) 326-9516.
Jazz NIC - Featuring NIC Jazz Ensemble and special guests Al Gemberling, Gary Gemberling and Dan Bukvich. Tuesday, 7:30 p.m., North Idaho College, Boswell Hall Schuler Performing Arts Center, 1000 W. Garden Ave., Coeur d’Alene. Free. (208) 769-7764.
Garrison, Wilson and Yang Trio Recital - Faculty recital. Tuesday, 7:30 p.m., University of Idaho, Lionel Hampton School of Music, Haddock Performance Hall, 1010 Blake Ave., Moscow. $5/adults, $3/seniors and students. (208) 885-6231.
Adult Jazz Combo - Providing the intermediate level musician with the tools and skills to start playing jazz. Thursdays, 6-8 p.m. Join anytime. Holy Names Music Center, McNally Hall, 3910 W. Custer Drive. $35/month. (509) 326-9516.
International Guitar Night - Pend Oreille Arts Council concert. Thursday, 7 p.m., Panida Theater, 300 N. First Ave., Sandpoint. $20/adults, $10/age 18 and younger. (208) 263-9191.
Bearfoot in Concert - Telluride winner and leading young bluegrass Americana band is helping to reshape American roots music. Drawing from bluegrass, old-time, folk, country, Cajun, blues and western swing, this female-fronted quartet delivers a powerful performance featuring intimate lead vocals, impressive musicianship and Appalachian flat-foot dancing. Thursday, 7:30 p.m., WSU, Daggy Hall, Jones Theatre, corner of Idaho St. and College Ave., Pullman. $20/adults; $16/seniors, $10/students and youth. 1-800-325-SEAT.
James Reid, Guitar - Faculty recital. Thursday, 7:30 p.m., University of Idaho, Lionel Hampton School of Music, Haddock Performance Hall, 1010 Blake Ave., Moscow. $5/adults, $3/seniors and students. (208) 885-6231.
Ballroom Dancing - Dance to the five-piece combo Variety Pack every first and third Friday at 7:30 p.m. All ages, all abilities welcome. Sons of Norway Hall, 6710 N. Country Homes Blvd. $8. (509) 326-9211.
“Short Stacks” - Get a sneak peek of new Blue Door Theatre players, games and comedy. Some material not suitable for all ages. All tickets can be purchased at the door the night of the show. Today and the first Friday of every month. Blue Door Theatre, 815 W. Garland Ave. $5 all seats; no special offers, coupons or group discounts. (509) 747-7045.
“An Evening of Sketches by Carol Burnett” – Today through Feb. 10. Comedy sketches. Fridays and Saturdays at 7 p.m. and Sunday matinees at 3 p.m., StageWest Community Theatre, 639 Elm St., Cheney. $12/adults, $8/children and seniors. (509) 768-2150.
“Boom” - Interplayers presents this post apocalyptic comedy by Peter Sinn Nachtrieb, directed by Dawn Taylor Reinhardt. Today, Saturday, and Wednesday- Feb. 9 at 7:30 p.m., with matinees Saturday, Sunday and Feb. 9 at 2 p.m., Interplayers Theatre, 174 S. Howard St. $15-$28. (509) 455-7529.
“I Saw You” - Improvised comedy show where the back pages of your favorite newspapers are the inspiration for on the spot comedy. Bring your favorite “I Saw You,” “Cheers and Jeers,” or other classified for use in the show. Tickets may be purchased at the door the night of the show. Fridays at 8 p.m., today through Feb 22, Blue Door Theatre, 815 W. Garland Ave. $9/general admission, $7/children, seniors, students and military. (509) 747-7045.
“Safari” - Improv showcase. Tickets may be purchased at the door the night of the show. Some material may not be suitable for all ages. Saturdays at 9 p.m. through Feb. 23, Blue Door Theatre, 815 W. Garland Ave. $7/all seats; no special offers, coupons or group discounts. (509) 747-7045.
Adult Improv Classes - Eight-week improv class Tuesdays, 7-9 p.m. Class will focus on the basic skills of improv. Runs through March 12, Blue Door Theatre, 815 W. Garland Ave. $150/one payment or $25/per class. (509) 747-7045.
“Three Strikes to First” - Written by UI Master of Fine Arts graduate Quinn Hatch. Looking to escape a failing marriage, Matt, general manager for the Seattle Sun Dodgers, finds himself in Peoria, Ariz. He’s in town early putting the finishing touches on player contracts, but despite his efforts, Matt’s varied past is difficult to dodge, especially when an old player has just received the publisher’s green light to write a rather revealing book outlining steroid use on the team. He’s naming names and one of them is Matt’s new star first baseman. Performances are today, Saturday and Feb. 7-9 at 7:30 p.m., with matinees Sundays at 2 p.m., University of Idaho, Hartung Theatre, 625 Stadium Drive, Moscow. $10. (208) 885-6465.
“Escanaba in Love” - Shows today and Saturday at 7:30 p.m. This is author Jeff Daniels’ prequel to his hit comedy, “Escanaba in da Moonlight.” Spokane Civic Theatre, 1020 N. Howard St. $18-$24. (509) 325-2507.
“Call Mr. Robeson” - Paul Robeson is a great and famous actor, singer and civil rights campaigner. When over the years he gets progressively too radical and outspoken for the establishment’s liking, he is branded a traitor to his country, harassed, and denied opportunities to perform or travel. The play is a roller-coaster journey through Robeson’s remarkable and eventful life, and highlights how his radical activism caused him to be disowned and disremembered, even by the leaders and descendants of the civil rights movement. It features much fiery oratory and some of his famous songs, including “Ol’ Man River.” Wednesday, 7 p.m., Bing Crosby Theater, 901 W. Sprague Ave. $12-$22. (800) 325-SEAT.